Chapter 14

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Four Months Later...

He had tried so hard to be patient with Rebekah and her lawyer, Robert for the last four months, that his patience was wearing thin and he was getting sick and tired of all the cancellations and rescheduling that they were doing. But, Stefan had taken the day off because of his morning's appointment with Rebekah's lawyer and he was coming to his last straw with this whole settlement crap because every time he had anticipated meeting with his ex-wife or that no good lawyer that she had hired to represent her, they would cancel on him without much of a reason.

The fact that they had been playing games with him, pissed him off and he almost hadn't answered his cell phone this morning. That was until they had called him early, begging for a meeting with him. They had told Stefan that they wanted an emergency meeting and that it would be their second to last face to face negotiation, so that they could come to some end of the push and pull from both Stefan and Rebekah's sides.

He had been waiting outside of the courthouse for the last ten minutes as he watched the salt and peppered hair lawyer who he assumed was Robert Morrison, walk up to the bench that he was sitting at and take a seat next to him. He gave Stefan a weak smile as he watched the young man grip the briefcase in his lap tighter.

Even though he had gotten used to waiting around for lawyers and clients himself, being on this side of it all seemed odd and it was hard to make it look like he wasn't nervous. Stefan had spent the morning with Elena, before she had left for work. He had been seeing Elena for the last four months straight and he liked it, every minute of it. For Stefan, being with Elena was fun and easy. It was like a breath of fresh air that he so desperately needed and deep down he knew that she felt the same about him. It wasn't just the physical attraction that they shared, it was also an understanding of the fact that they both knew what it was like to be in relationships, where they both felt like they were drowning and had no way out of them.

Part of him had prayed that the lawyer would of seen that there was no point of even having this meeting. It all could of been settled out of court or whatever they had arranged for this. But, Stefan also knew Rebekah and she was persistent and annoying as hell when she wanted something that she couldn't have and until she got what she wanted, she wouldn't let up on it.

As he watched a small group of familiar lawyer's clear out of a conference room. He heard the sound of the woman that he silently wished that he would never see again. Stefan watched with wide eyes as Rebekah walked into the courtroom as if she was walking down the runway of a high end fashion show. She was wearing a blue and brown dress that was low cut and had a dark brown belt at the waist, her shoes were dark brown cowboy boots and her long curly bleach blonde hair was to her shoulders as she walked right past Stefan and straight into the arms of her waiting lawyer.

"Robert, Darling." She practically squealed as she glanced over at Stefan and smiled widely at him, showing off her newly pearly white teeth. He watched in disgust as she kissed the cheeks of her lawyer and gave him a huge hug, before taking a step back and giving him a weakened smile when she glanced over in Stefan's direction.

Emotional damages, my ass. Stefan thought to himself as he watched his ex-wife instantly turn from high end runway model to victim within a fraction of a second. She began to pout about how she hated to be in the conference room with the man that she claimed, caused her so much heartache and pain.

"Shall we?" Robert said as he cleared his throat and then gestured for Rebekah to enter into the room first, followed by Stefan who was feeling nervous and even more nauseous with every step that he took into the conference room.


They had been deliberating for almost 15 minutes when Rebekah broke out into soft sobs and the two men watched in total shock as she described the day that she had found out that she was going broke.

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