ꜰᴏᴜʀ- 𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚃𝚘 𝙰𝚝𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊

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The next morning I was up and about. Packing my backpack yet again for another trip to Atlanta. My ankle was still healing, but after some well-needed sleep with my leg elevated, it felt almost as good as new. I just wouldn't tell Daryl that I used his pillow to elevate it. Though my ribs, on the other hand, you could imagine my frustration when I found out my super Dixon genes didn't kick in and heal them up overnight.

I was wearing a low-cut brown shirt, high wasted skinny jeans, my boots, and my leather jacket. My necklace almost never left my body, ever. The only time I ever did take it off was when I bathed because I didn't want it to rust, but even then that wasn't that long.

Last night Sophia left my tent after Ed began calling out to her. Of course, he got in trouble with Shane for being reckless. That man's voice could really carry.

As I stepped out of my tent everyone was already up and getting the camp situated for the day. Rick was standing next to Glenn watching while Dale, Jim, and Morales were dissecting the poor, beautiful, red Dodge Challenger.

Normally I would've walked up to Glenn or made conversation with the others, but I had to prepare myself to leave for when we bring Merle back. He won't want to stay much longer, and I owe him for letting this happen to him. So, instead of engaging in activity with these people, I climbed on top of the vacant RV roof, waiting for Daryl to come back from his hunt. I could be waiting all day, but something told me I wouldn't have to wait long.

Rick walked away from Glenn but I tried to keep my focus on the tree line. I didn't want these people to miss me or me miss them, so pushing them away would be the best course of action.

My leg was anxiously bouncing up and down, dreading the moment I'd have to tell Daryl what happened. There was this awful feeling in my gut, worrying about his reaction, worrying about what he'd say.

I felt the RV dip slightly, causing my head to snap over to the RV ladder. Glenn's head popped up with a small sympathetic smile. I hadn't spoken to him since yesterday when we were driving back, and I planned on keeping it that way.

"Hey, El." Fuck. That was what Glenn called me, a shorter version of the already shortened version of my legal name. My eyes stayed trained on the forest, trying my best to ignore the guy that had become a close friend of mine. "I'm sorry... about Merle."

"Don't gotta be sorry," I said it before I could stop myself. In all honesty, he really didn't, he was in the car with me. I blamed everyone who was in the department store, especially T, and myself.

"Are you really gonna leave?" He asked timidly as if he wasn't even sure if he should ask.

"If my brothers decide it's best," I replied shortly, still staring at the forest, waiting.

"The—The group already decided that... Rick would tell Daryl so that you won't have to." Finally, my eyes shifted from the woods over to Glenn. He was fidgeting with his fingers nervously, almost waiting for me to get angry. I'd know because this was how he talked to my brothers the few times that he did.

Before I could even reply, Shanes Jeep pulled up, reminding me of my original plan to not talk to anyone, at least not nicely.

"Water's here, y'all!" Shane called out as he pulled his keys out of the ignition. "Just a reminder to boil before use."

The look he and the Grimes' shared was rather peculiar. I'd be lying if I said I didn't detect something going on between Lori and Shane, but since it was none of my business I never pried. Lori turned back to Rick, their discussion looking pretty serious.

I better not stare long. Don't want Lori coming to talk to me, because I don't know if I could hold back.

A scream had my head snapping over to the woods. I immediately recognized the screams of Carl and Sophia. Without thinking I ran to the ladder and climbed down a couple of steps before hopping off and booking it for the woods. Carl and Sophia were calling out to their parents, but I'd already passed Rick and Lori into the woods.

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