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A tired and grumpy Harley walks downstairs in the Davenport house. Leo followed behind while Adam, Bree, and Chase came up from the lab.

Bree opens the door to find the neighbor doing wheelies around the block. "Ugh, this new neighbor has got to go!"

"Why does he keep racing his car up and down our street every night?" Chase asks as Harley wraps her arms around him, resting her head on his chest.

"Oh! I know this one!" Adam says. "To get to the other side!"

"He has no respect for my beauty sleep. It takes eight hours to look this good! Ten, if you want that Leo glow." Leo says, smiling.

"Then it looks like you'll need more than eight hours of sleep," Harley says, and Chase chuckles before kissing her forehead.

Davenport came downstairs in white cheetah print pajamas and an eye mask on his head. "I can't believe that I have to wake up to this!" He exclaims.

"I can't believe I have to wake up to that," Leo says, eyeing Davenport's clothing.

"This is Italian silk. A cheetah wishes he looked this good." Davenport says.

"A cheetah would have the decency to cover that up with a robe," Harley remarks.

Davenport rolls his eyes and went over to the door and the teens follow. "Hey, Pierce!" Davenport yells. "Get your car off my lawn!" He turns back to the others. "Let's see how he likes my new high-pressure sprinkler system."

Davenport presses a bunch of buttons on a remote and once the sprinklers started to work, Pierce was stuck in the mud. They all begin to laugh until the neighbor got free, covering Davenport with mud. Everyone went back inside as Harley leads Chase up the stairs with her, knowing that the only way she will fall back to sleep is with him by her side.


Walking into school, the four bionic teens see Leo standing in line for a new locker. Harley decided to keep her locker because it was near Chase's.

"Leo?" Chase asks as they walked over to him. "How'd you get to be first in line for locker reassignments?"

"Since I couldn't get any sleep, I've been here since dawn," Leo explains. "FYI, you do not want to see the lunch ladies without their makeup."

"Wait, they wear makeup?" Bree asks. Leo nods slowly and Adam walks behind them.

"But since I'm first in line, I'll finally get the corner locker," Leo tells them.

"Wait for a second, I thought this was the line for lice check." Adam frowns before walking away.

"There she is Locker 106. Away from the traffic, near the cheerleaders, and I get to see Principal Perry before anyone else. And a two-second head start can save a life." Leo explains.

Bree and Chase nod and walk away, not before Chase pecked his girlfriend on the lips.

Principal Perry came out of her office. "Listen up weasels! It's locker reassignment from my days as a prison guard: NEVER LET THE PERPS GET COMFY!" She bangs on the desk before laughing. "Also, drag your hands through the mashed potatoes to check for weapons. Mmm. Enjoy your lunch." She turns to Harley and Leo. "Alright, Dooley. Which locker do you want?"

"The corner one," Leo replies.

"Already taken!" Perry exclaims.

"What? By who?" Leo asks, and just as he did, the new student turns around. Harley looks at the new boy up and down, knowing that his attire meant he was a rich boy.

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