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Harley and the Davenports were doing their homework in the lab, more like Chase helping his girlfriend with chemistry when a fly started buzzing around Bree.

"What is that?" Bree asks and Harley and Chase look up.

"Bree, relax, it's just a fly," Chase tells her and went back to helping Harley with her homework.

Harley smiled and kisses Chase on the cheek, whispering a 'thank you' as she did her own homework so that Chase could work on his.

"Well, why is it bothering me when the foul ripe stench of Adam is right there?" Bree points to the oldest Davenport.

"Lucky undies, nine days in a row, no lightning strikes, that's science," Adam says, and Harley scrunched her nose.

Bree continues to swat the fly, and Leo enters the lab laughing.

"You look ridiculous!" Leo tells Bree and she crosses her arms.

"Yeah, so would you if you had some flying thing attacking you." She says.

"It's just a fly, Bree." Harley shrugs as Chase pulls her to his side.

"Oh, would I?" Leo holds out his hand, the fly landing in his palm.

"How'd you do that?" Bree asks shocked.

"I talk to insects," Leo says, and the couple walks over to Leo. "They call me the fly whisperer."

Adam runs over. "You can talk to flies?! Ask him why bees are such jerks." Adam says.

"Guys! Leo's messing with you." Chase pulls a metal cylinder out of Leo's bag. "That's Mr. Davenport's spy fly! He designed it for a recon mission. You see, the flies' head is a tiny camera. Leo's controlling it with the trackball on this watch." Chase holds up Leo's arm with the watch on his wrist.

"Is there anything you don't ruin?" Leo asks and Chase lets go of his arm.

Chase pretends to think for a moment. "Nope. Leo, I don't think Mr. Davenport would approve of you using his expensive gadgets as toys."

"Oh, come on, babe!" Harley says. "Who cares? He's gone anyways."

"Thank you, Harls!" Leo smiles at his best friend. "He shouldn't have gone to rock and roll fantasy camp! Hello! You're almost 40! You can't rock, and you're no one's fantasy!" Leo says, holding up the cylinder.

"Can I see it?" Bree reaches for it, but Leo moves it out of her reach.

"Back off, handy! It needs to charge in its fly hive." Leo says, putting the fly back in the cylinder as Harley and Chase have their conversation. "I used it all night."

"Wait. You spent all night playing with that stupid thing?" Bree asks.

"Well, half the night. I spent the other half editing the footage. I give you the best of Bree."

The screen went to images of Bree snoring in her capsule, and all the other crazy things she did in her sleep. Chase and Adam laughed, Harley tried to hide her giggles but cleared her throat as she hit her boyfriend's chest.

"How could you do this, Leo?" Bree asks embarrassed as Leo laughed.

"Hey, it's not my fault you sleep ugly!" Leo defends, smiling.

Bree turns to Harley and her brothers, seeing the two boys laugh as Harley wasn't focused on the footage anymore, but on the time for school.

"Okay, that's enough," Harley says, turning off the screen. "We're gonna be late for school." She grabs Chase by the hand and exits the lab, the three following behind.

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