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A few weeks have gone by. Harley was officially living at the Davenport residence. She and Chase were still not back together. She had joined the bionic team which had her reconnect with at least Adam and Bree.

And even though, the ex-couple were not on good terms, the two had to be civil as they were now on a team together.

"Mission accomplished," Bree says, as she, her brothers, and Harley enters the lab after completing a mission.

"Great job, guys," Davenport says. "You saved that island from the biggest tropical storm in decades."

"Yeah, it was great having another help us out," Chase says.

"And, lucky for you, I brought home a whole bag of hairy fruit," Adam says as he dumps the coconuts on the console.

"Yeah, just be happy Harley and I made him put the pelican back," Bree says.

"Guys, that mission was the finest use of bionics to date," Davenport tells them. "I think we can all agree that double strength and speed equals success."

Bree and Adam high-five.

"Uh, excuse me," Chase spoke. "Let's not forget the mastermind behind this entire thing."

"Oh, right," Adam says. "Let's give it up for our fearless leader... Mr. Davenport!" Bree and he clap and cheer for Davenport.

"What? No! I was talking about me." Chase says. "I supervised the whole mission."

"Yeah, but I think we all know who did the heavy lifting."

Chase gives him a look.

"Well, I'll give you a hint." Adam starts. "It starts with an "A", ends with an "M", and the other person is your ex-girlfriend." As he got no answer, he spoke again. "Okay, guys, it's Harley and me."

"Please, the real work happens up here." Chase points to his temple.

"Chase, no offense, but your bionic brain is not matched for our hustle –" Bree starts.

"And muscle," Adam says.

"That is a great team time." Davenport chimed in. "Hustle, Muscle, and Chuscle. Mmm. Don't worry, we'll find you something."

"What about me?" Harley questions.

"You have everything they have, including much more. Your name is in all three." Davenport answers and Harley gives him a look but then nods.

Chase sighs. "I'm so tired of these two, and now Harley, getting all the attention because they have super-speed and super-strength. I never get any of the credit."

"That is not true, Chase," Davenport says. "They just have a lot of flash. But you're the glue that holds that flash together. You're... flash glue."

"I'm flash glue?" Chase questions.

"Hey, I think I figured it out." Adam smashes the coconut against his head, breaking it apart. "You're right, Chase. The real work does happen up there." He points to his head.


"Say hello to my latest invention, the cryo-blaster," Davenport exclaims. "This thing can freeze anything in a nanosecond."

"Bravo, Big D." Leo claps. "You invented ice."

Davenport's smiles drop. "No, I invented a way for astronauts to travel to distant galaxies while frozen in suspended animation."

"Which is a fancy way of saying 'ice'," Harley says with her arms crossed.

Davenport sighs. "Let me demonstrate." He takes Adam's cup out of his hand and places it on the desk. "You guys might want to step back because the ray from the cryo-blaster freezes everything it touches."

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