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Harley and Bree walk into the elevator after having their own girls' day. Once they entered the lab, they saw Adam and Leo standing around.

"Let me guess, pranking Chase again?" Bree asks.

"No." Adam laughs. "Yeah."

"Adam, you are so immature," Bree says.

"Eh, I've been called worse." Adam shrugs. "All right, well, I'm going to bed." Bree walks past the three before turning to them. "Wake me up when I'm old enough to move out." Harley mocks a salute toward the Davenport girl. Bree enters her capsule and as soon as she shut the door, she was covered in a white liquid.

"Oh, Chase's capsule is the one in the middle!" Adam realizes.

"I'll go get some towels." Leo offers before running out of the lab.

Harley steps forward and helps Bree out of her capsule, not even caring at the fact she was covered with something Harley didn't even want to know. Leo runs back into the lab with towels and hands them to Bree. Harley grabs one of the towels and helps clean Bree off. She notices that Leo had a can of air freshener. Adam begins to clean Bree's capsule.

Chase walks into the lab. "Rig the wrong capsule again, Adam?"

"Maybe." He responded slowly.

"What happened here?" Davenport asks as he and Tasha enters. "And why does my lab smell like a locker room at a gym that only cows go to?" He pinches his nostrils.

"Honey, who did this to you?" Tasha asks with a hand on her hip.

"Who do you think?" Bree asks, pointing to Adam.

"Wow," Adam says. "Ruining pranks and blaming others. Not making any friends today, are you, Bree?"

"Grandma Rose is visiting tomorrow and I want this behavior to stop," Tasha tells the boys. "You three go get cleaning supplies. Now!" Leo, Chase, and Adam walk out of the lab.

"I'm so sick of getting caught in their crossfire," Bree complains. "Last week, Chase was pranking Adam, and I ended up in a pet store window!"

Davenport laughs as the girl glares at him. "That's funny! Look, I will talk to them, and I will lay down the law."

"Thank you," Tasha says before walking out of the lab.

"Look, don't tell Tasha I told you this, but the only way you're gonna get them to stop is to fight fire with fire," Davenport says. "You have to prank them, and you have to prank them hard."

"Do you really think that'll work?" Bree asks, a smile plastered on her face.

"Definitely. Although I would act fast because I know for a fact Adam had a barrel full of expired meat he's just dying to use."


"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Harley asks her friend as she watches Bree grease the floor in the lab.

"It better work."

The elevator dings and she quickly springs up as Adam and Chase walk out of the elevator.

"Oh, uh, hey, guys. What are you up to?" Bree asks.

"Six feet, two inches," Adam answers before looking at Chase. "Oh, you don't have to answer. I know growing's been a lifelong struggle for you."

"Wait a second," Chase says. "Whoopie cushion." He points to the desk chair. "Bucket of ice water." He points up. "Greased floor." He points to the floor. "Nope. Nothing suspicious here." Chase says with a smirk.

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