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Harley looks at herself in the mirror as she adjusts the Santa hat placed on her head.

Tomorrow was Christmas.

It would be her first year spending it with her best friend and his family.

It was also the first year without Douglas and Marcus. She tried her best to not think about them. But she couldn't help but think about all of the times they'd spent holidays together. Like a normal family.

Harley shakes her head out of the thought as she sighs and grabs the presents she had for the family and heads downstairs.

"Who wants Christmas cookies?" Adam asks, who was wearing a Santa suit and had a tray in his hands.

Leo looks at the cookies. "Adam, those aren't even cooked."

"Oh, no problem." He uses his heat vision to cook them, but as soon as he did, the cookies were now burnt and some were on fire. Adam quickly blows out the flames. "Careful, they may be hot."

Bree walks in through the front door. "Okay, who covered the entire house in blinking lights? People already think we're weird, we don't need to shine a light on it."

"No, I did that," Adam says. "I want to make sure Santa Claus comes to our house first."

Bree rolls her eyes. "Adam, we all love Christmas, but I think you're going a little overboard."

There was a banging noise at the door that caught everybody's attention. The door opens to reveal Chase hopping through the door as he was tied up in Christmas lights. Harley had to place a hand over her mouth to prevent herself from laughing.

"That, however." Bree laughs. "Is spot on."

"Hey, get back on the roof!" Adam tells Chase. "You're ruining my display."

"You are lucky a raccoon chewed me free!" Chase exclaims.

Adam rolls his eyes while the others laugh. Davenport and the four bionic teens' phones went off with the mission alert alarm.

"That's an urgent mission alert. We have to get down to the lab." Davenport says.

As everybody but Tasha ran down the lab, Chase was left upstairs as he was still tied up.

"Hello? A little help?"

As he heard no response, he decided to hop down to the lab, tripping over his feet in the process.


"The alert is coming from Facility X, my research center in the frozen tundra," Davenport explains to the teenagers.

"Hey, hey, I'm the mission specialist. I'll handle this." Leo says before turning to the bionic teens. "The alert is coming from Facility X, his research center in the frozen tundra."

The four of the rolls their eyes.

"Wait." Adam pauses. "The tundra's nears the North Pole." He gasps as he points at his siblings. "Santa needs our help! You wrap, you tape, and I'll go hang with the elves!"

Davenport types on the keyboard before speaking. "Doctor Evans, are you there?"

The screen was glitchy at first, then a man appeared on the screen.

"Yeah, I'm here. Although, there's been a major volcanic eruption nearby and we're experiencing aftershocks." The screen became glitchy once again and the audio was difficult to hear. "I'm afraid if we don't act fast –" The screen shuts off.

"Oh, Merry Christmas to you too, Doctor Evans," Adam says sarcastically. "Rude."

"Sorry, guys. I know the timings not ideal." Davenport says.

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