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"Harry! You little bitch come down here!" His father came home drunk.

Harry was afraid and hid in the corner of his room, turned off all the lights and hid under the blanket he grabbed.

His mum used to work double-shift as a waitress for money , so little Harry was all alone at home.

Being a 6 year old, he was really scared, every other day, his father come home drunk and beat him or touch him inappropriately, or we can say sexually harass him.

"Harry! Did you not listen?! Come down right now" his father practically yelled.

Harry still did not move a bit.

He then heard loud footsteps heading upstairs. Due to fear, tears escaped his eyes and he pressed his little palms against his lips to control the voice of his sobs.

Suddenly, the door swung open and someone roughly pulled the blanket off Harry's head.

Seeing the fear in Harry's eyes, his father smirked and grabbed his wrists roughly, pulling him down.

"Dad, dad please" Harry cried, his body being bruised by the edges of the staircase.

"Shut up you little slut! Never call me dad again! I'm ashamed to be a dad of a slut like you!"

Harry cried harder, wondering what he did wrong to be treated like this!

He pushed Harry on the sofa and placed his big rough palms tightly on Harry's lips, " Shut up! Shut up you whore!"

When Harry kept on protesting, he felt a big hand slap his cheek roughly. He was literally thrown off the sofa.

Before Harry could react, his father was already choking his throat, kicking him in the stomach with his knees.

Blood pouring down his throat, his bruised stomach, his vision started to blur and his eyes reddened from the pain he was feeling.

When he about to pass out, his father's hands left his throat and begin trailing down his spine.

"Dad, no!!!" He screamed.

" You don't tell me what to do. Shut up just shut up!" His father's horrible alcoholic breath reaching his nose.

"But I don't like it, when you touch me like this!" He tried his best to push away his father by beating his chest with his little fists.

"I made you, doesn't matter where I touch you! Besides, you satisfy my needs" Desmond's( Harry's father) hands entering his pants.

After Desmond complety used him and nearly raped him, he threw him on the floor, blood flowing from Harry's forehead.

Harry's ran towards his room and firstly stood under his shower. He felt so dirty, so used! The person who should love him the most, who should treat him like a princess, threw him like a useless thing, like garbage!

He cried and cried and stood there , in the bathroom until he was sure that his father was asleep.

He hid under his duvet covers, replaying everyday in his mind. How his father abused him almost every single day! He had no one to share his story with. His mother used to come home at night barely for 2-3 hours, where she could find no time for Harry. He knew that his mother was being abused too because sometimes at night he could hear cries, screams and things shattering in the dining hall.
He was too afraid to go and check on any of those, so he did not blame his mother at all.

Harry did not sleep for 2 more hours, thinking what made all of this happen? His father wasn't like this before! He used to give Harry everything he wanted and pampered him at his best. His parents were also so much in love with each other. They were a small happy family! Little did he know that his family was going through financial crisis and his father stepped a toe into the wrong place.

Heyaaa guys!
Vas' Happenin?

Here's another zarry fanfiction for you!
I'm working on this with a very good friend of mine JaynikaBairagi.
So, equal creditsss!
Hope you like this!

All the Love as always!💚💛

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