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An embarrassed Harry, carried her out of the room, coming back only to find Zayn, sitting on the bed, holding the breakfast plate.


"Hi babe!" Zayn chimed, arranging the plates.

"Hey, I'm so sorry." Harry sighed, sitting beside Zayn on the bed.

"Hey" Zayn pulled him up in his lap, "It's okay baby. I liked your mom. She's so cool. No need to be embarrassed love."

"Really?" Harry turned, grinning like a child which put a wide smile on Zayn's mouth as he nodded.

They had breakfast, laughing, grinning, talking and enjoyed the first half of their day very nicely.

After having the breakfast, Harry's announced, " I'm gonna have a shower now."

" Lemme join you!" Zayn said with a sly smirk.

"Okay Zaddy!"

"Zaddy huh? I loved that name babe!"

Harry giggled as Zayn lifted him up,  carrying him inside the bathroom.


After having a shower and 2 more rounds of fucking, they dressed nicely, planning the day further.

"Shall we go to a mall? I need to shop."

"Fine! Shop what?" Zayn asked.

"Just some boots. I like to buy them on my own."

Zayn pecked his lips, "Okay but will you be able to walk?"

"Zaynnnnn, my bum is so sore! It's all because of you." Harry pouted, looking like the cutest puppy to ever exist.

"Aww baby, I can't help it. You're so irresistible and your perky ass just makes me go crazy in my nerves."

Harry blushed, giggling a little as Zayn carried him in his arms, one hand around Harry's knees and the other at his back as Harry circled his arms around Zayn's neck.

"Sir Harold" Greta said as they reached downstairs, laughing around.

"Oh hey Greata"

"Do you need anything sir?"

"No Greta. I'm just fine. We are going out, take care of the house."

She nodded and smiles as she noticed how happy Harry looked along with his lover.


As they reached the mall and Harry was walking around limping a little, Zayn laughed and received a playful slap on his chest.

They shopped someone boots for Harry, in which he would jump like a little boy who got his favorite shoes. Such a baby!

Harry dragged Zayn to a Gucci store, in which they bought tons of clothes. How rich he is! Zayn thought.

Just as they were going to leave the store, Zayn bumped into someone.

Harry bent to pick Zayn up and when they looked at the person, Zayn's eyes widened in shock, "Gigi?"

"Ugh Zayn. What are you doing here?"

"What you you doing here bitch?"  Zayn raised his voice.

"Yo! Calm down babe."

"Don't call me babe, Gigi."

Gigi rolled her eyes but her eyes narrowed at the sight of Zayn and Harry holding hands.

"Why are you holding his hand Zayn?"

"It is none of your business"

"It is! What are you gay now?"

"Shut up Gigi."

"Wow, the beautiful and successful business tycoon Harry Styles is gay." she said.

Harry wanted to cry at this. Why are peoples so judgemental when it comes to sexaulity?

"Hey you woman!" They heard a man's voice from behind.

They turned around only to find Cole. Cole Sprouse. Harry's friend.

"Will you please shut up? He is so beautiful, successful, rich, intelligent and has everything he needs. You are none of these things, so stop being jealous of him and fuck off." he said.

Gigi was in pure shock as she whispered asshole and walked out of there.

"Hi Harry" he turned around smiling softly and pulled Harry into a hug and kissed his cheek lightly.

"Hi Cole! You're my saviour!"

Zayn's heart felt a pang of jealously but he did not show it.

"Hi I'm Cole, that day in office we did not introduce ourselves. You're---? "

"Hi I'm Zayn, Harry's boyfriend." he made sure to add the word boyfriend.

"It's very nice to meet you, Zayn."

"You too." Zayn said as they shook hands. " But one thing Cole, let me tell you, Harry's mine so please keep your eyes off him."he said as politely as possible.

Harry and Cole burst out laughing at the same time, " Woah woah young man!" Cole said, " I'm married, I have husband whose name is Shane and I'm madly in love with him. Harry is gorgeous but it's Shane for me. Harry's all yours."

Zayn felt a flash of embarrassment, " I'm so sorry Cole. Say hi to Shane for me. We will meet you soon."

"It's no problem. We'll surely do."

They bid their goodbyes to Cole but they didn't know what storm was coming next.

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