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" I'm so happy!" Harry cheered as they exited the shopping mall.

Zayn grinned at his beautiful boyfriend and nodded, kissing his mouth lightly, which left Harry blushing.

"So Zayn, today's the day. We should get ready. We are here shopping. I'm very nervous and scared."

"Yeah Haz, I know but don't worry, I'll not be a coward like last time. We will fight father together. Get you avenged baby."

Harry gave out a smile, his dimples popping out.


They were now standing behind the building, the old, dusty one.

Zayn took hold of Harry's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze which gave Harry a boost.

"Zayn, are you sure we can do this?" he breathed.

"Yes Haz. Calm down. These guards are here, they'll come in if some happens. Most probably dad won't come here today and there's nobody here right now, but still we'll have to be quiet."

Harry faintly nodded, taking a firmer hold of his boyfriend's hand.

As they entered the building, the rooms were dimly lighted with a faint dusty smell.

They took careful steps towards the main cabin were all the files were kept.

"This is it" Zayn whispered, walking towards the drawers.

"Yeah" Harry coughed lightly, dusting the files.

"You okay Harry?" Zayn asked as Harry was coughing due to the dust.

"Yeah love, it's nothing."

As they searched through the drawers and finally found Desmond's file, they heard a car stop by the building.

They froze at their places as the door opened to the room.

"Zayn fucking Malik, you bitch!" Yaser yelled, entering.

"But how? You don't come here nowadays!" Zayn stammered, scared.

"You faggot! You embarrassed me, you are in news all over with a boy of who you were holding hands and kissing. You ugly gay faggot! Aah yes! This boy! I looked for you everywhere but I did not expect to see you here!" He said pointing towards Harry.

"Harry Styles! The Harry Styles. CEO and founder of one of the biggest companies! I did not know you were this much of a faggot! Gay slut!" he continued insulting them.

"Dad! This is enough! You don't insult my Harry. And yes, I love him, I love a boy. So? I'm not scared of you anymore! Shut up! Just shut up!"  Zayn snapped.

"Oh whore! You're gonna fight me for your gay lover? Okay then! And may I ask you why the fuck are you here?"

"That's-" Harry started but stopped when Yaser took a hold of his collar.

"You shut up!"

Before Harry could say anything more, Yaser fell to the ground with a painful gasp, a bullet being shot in his left leg.

All the security ran in, shooting every of Yaser's people but the bold thing that happened was Zayn took hold of a gun, shooting straight into his father's chest. Harry tried to stop him but he kept shooting his father until all of his anger was out, his eyes bloodshot.

It was over. The battle against him was over.

A very weak Zayn buried himself his Harry's arms and Harry kept kissing his head to relax him.

"Harry?" he cried.

"Yeah love"

"Harry what will we do now?"

"We'll be fine Zayn. Just a fine line. We'll go through it together. I've called the police."

"Yeah, we'll be fine."

The end!

Woahhhhhhh! Now this has ended! I can't believe this! I love this book so much!

Okay guyssssss! So, I hope you liked this book!

My thanks to everybody who gave my book a chance!

Spread love!❤

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