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Yaser Malik came back home after a long day. He entered the house in sudden rage and shut the door, making a loud sound echoing through the house.
He always gets all angry when some one mess up with him and his business.
He would always burst out his anger on his family.

He yelled out loud, " Trishaaaaaa! Where the fuck are you?! Come here right now!"
Trisha rushed down to her husband, terrified.
He snapped, "I've told you millions of time!Keep my freaking food ready on the table! Don't you fucking understand?!"

" You had one job and you can't do that, you slut!"
With that he banged his hand on the table, making Trisha shiver. Trisha quickly brought  up the plate, and placed it on the table, but Yaser was very angry, he barged the plate, down on the floor, making Trisha move aback.

Zayn was engrossed in doing his spray art, forgetting about his surrounding. He loved his art so much, it was one of his passion!

But suddenly he heard a thud from downstairs, he quickly went downstairs to check on his mom.

As he reached, he saw his dad, ferociously banging things, and shuttering glass, here and there.

Zayn always worried about her mom, not once cared about himself. He didn't like to stay quiet, he hated his possesive and abusive father,
but he often stayed quiet for the sake of his mother.

Being a 6 years old, he was unaware of the abusive consequences. All he wanted was a safe environment for his mom, but his dad was out of all of their league.
He came down, and silently started to pick up the shattered glass pieces.

"Sonshine, you don't have to. You'll get hurt." Trisha crouched down, taking the glass pieces from Zayn's hand.
"Mom, don't. I can do it."

Yaser's anger grew seeing this, "You little piece of shit! Stop being a little dog of your mother's!"

Zayn wanted to punch his father's face but he ignored it and dumped the glass.

This did not help but only increased Yaser's anger. He grabbed Zayn by the collar and dragged him upstairs, Trisha interrupting and begging him not to do so, while Zayn's legs were continuously being hit by the walls and stairs, bruising them.

His father throwed him on the bed and pushed Trisha away, "Never try to be oversmart with me again!"

With that he shut the door with loud thud, leading Zayn to cry himself to sleep.

Little did Zayn know that a little boy just like him, cried himself to sleep! Zayn's Angel ;)

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Credits: JaynikaBairagi
Thank you for writing half of this chapter bebe! Love ya!

Spread loveeee!💚💛

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