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"So, you want me to inform you about my father's works?" Zayn asked, wiping his mouth after the lunch they just had.
"Um, yeah"
"Cool, I'll do it! But my father won't let me out of the house everyday."
"There must be a way. How about I pick you up from your university, you can tell me everything in the car."
" Everyday?" Zayn asked, shyly.
"Yeah, I could. If you're comfortable with it." Harry blushed too.
"I'm totally in." Zayn answered looking straight into Harry's eyes.

Their intimate moment was cut off by Harry as he cleared his throat. " So Zayn, about the pay. How much do you want?"
" Woah! I'm being asked! Why am I being asked?"
" Because you're going out of your way to help me Zayn."
" I would do anything for you Sugar plum. But if you asking, I want a decent pay, with which I can buy an independent house, taking my mother with me. I don't want to live with that criminal asshole."

Harry nodded and blushed at the new nickname 'sugar plum'. " Mr. Malik you're flirting with me"

" Yeah I'm. I have a huge crush on you and I still can't believe I'm sitting in front of you, talking to you and just had lunch with you" Zayn squealed " Sorry for the fanboy moment but I like you loads Harry. I really like you and now I know that you're not only a  handsome, successful, sexy business tycoon but also a shy, funny and kind human."

Harry felt happiness hitting him hard. Sure, people talked so much good about him, his success, determination and good-looks but no one described him as Zayn did. Maybe, he likes Zayn too but it's too early to say. He'll wait.
" Thank you Zayn"

Zayn grinned, " You really are very beautiful Harry"
Harry was a blush mess, " Thank you. You are more beautiful."
"Oh flirting back Mr. Styles, I see!"
"Oh Zayn! Don't."

Zayn took a look at the clock and his happiness dropped as he realized he needs to get back home.

" What happened?" Harry asked him.
"Uhm, Harry, I wish I could stay back but I really have to go. My time is up. Otherwise, that grumpy old arsehole in my house will beat me again."

Harry felt a pain in his heart. How could parents like this exist? He had a very bad, a very traumatic childhood. He did not wish it for Zayn. Wait, why was he so protective toward Zayn? He just met him today! Oh Harry! Not again, maybe he likes him already?

Zayn stood up picking his jacket and extending his hand towards Harry.
Harry gladly shook his hand back as they both felt a sparkle in their bodies.
Is this what having a soulmate feels like?
Harry pulled out his hand, giving an all dimply smile to Zayn.

"What the fuck! Why isn't he picking the call?" Zayn panicked.
" What happened Zayn?" Harry asked  ending his phone call.
" Ugh, neither Liam nor Niall is picking up my call. How am I supposed to go home? Dad is going to kill me."
" Shh, Zayn calm down man! They must probably be having lunch! Mind if I drop you home?"

Zayn's heart started racing. Harry fucking masterpiece Styles offered him a ride!

"Zayn?" Harry asked as Zayn kept staring at him.
" Oh my God! I would love to go home with you! Can I hug you?"

Harry chuckled as he opened his arms, " Of course!"

Zayn jumped upon Harry, standing on his tippy toes as Harry was a little taller. Zayn somewhat pulled after 2 whole minutes giving him a kiss on the cheek which left Harry blushing.

"Let's go?"
" Yeah" Zayn eagerly nodded.

" Just tell me when to take a turn" Harry asked, his eyes on the road.
"You're planning a masterpiece revenge and you don't know where does the criminal Yaser Malik lives?"
" Hey Zayn, don't act sassy! I'm just a little bad at remembering roads."
" Fine, I'll tell you"

After a few minutes, they were in front of Zayn's house. Not exactly in front as Yaser would kill Zayn as well as Harry if he saw them.

"Bye Harry"
"Bye, I hope to see you tomorrow!"
" You will. Don't forget to pick me up from University.
" I won't"

Zayn shut his door but came running to the other side, popping his head from Harry's window.
Their lips were so close, both of their hearts beating so fast, like they were going to pop out of the their chests.

" What is it Zayn?" Harry asked, shifting his head a little back.

But Zayn just leaned in forward placing a kiss on Harry's cheek.            

" Thank you Harry. For everything you're doing. I'll try not to fail you."

Harry smiled back warmly, " Thank you to you too Zayn. You're helping me more. I'll see you tomorrow Zayn, I have to go!"
" I'll see you tomorrow Sugar plum"

Zayn ran towards his house, while Harry only kept thinking about the cute nickname Zayn gave him.

Zayn opened the doors of house, thank God there were no security guards!


A voice was heard which caused Zayn to stiffen up!

Hiiiiii Zarries!

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Who do you think saw Zayn???? What if it's Yaser!?

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All the love!💚💛

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