Chapter 9

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The next morning, Calvin noticed Dominic dressed in beige and holding a suitcase.

"Well, well, well. What's he up to?" Calvin said to himself.

Calvin followed Dominic to a journalist's office.

Dominic gave the journalist a suitcase full of money and told him to write a review that gave the lads and the Wiggles five stars.

"Where does he keep all those suitcases?" Calvin whispered.

Meanwhile, Charles Wallace was reading the paper and eating a burger.

Some of the barbecue sauce on the burger dropped onto a picture of Violetta making her blonde hair turn brown.

"What's Sam doing on the cover of the paper?" said Charles Wallace.

He took off the sauce and Violetta's hair was blonde again.

"Charles Wallace! Dominic's the reason we've been selling out our shows. He's been giving away tickets and bribing journalists to write great reviews" said Calvin.

"Ugh! Why didn't we ever think of doing that?" said Charles Wallace.

"WHAT?!" Calvin shouted.

"I mean... that's terrible" said Charles Wallace.

"The question is why. And could it have anything to do with why Sam's been acting so weird lately" said Calvin.

"Speaking of Sam, check this out. With sauce on this girl's picture, her hair's brown and she looks just like Sam. Off... her hair's blonde and she looks like herself" said Charles Wallace.

"Wait. What's that girl's real name?" said Calvin.

"Violetta Damien" Charles Wallace read.

"Hey. I'm betting Sam has been acting like this because this isn't her. It's Violetta" said Calvin.

"Naw, that's impossible. We'd all notice. Wouldn't we?" said Charles Wallace.

Calvin and Charles Wallace entered Sam's room and looked around.

"Wow. Sam's got a big bomb collection" said Charles Wallace.

He and Calvin looked at a map of the Irish National Bank heist. 

"Looks like she's planning some sort of comedy heist bit" said Charles Wallace.

"I hope not. Those never work" said Calvin.

Violetta then entered the room.

"Ha, ha ha. We caught ya!" said Charles Wallace.

"Caught me? What do you mean?" said Violetta.

"Alright, Violetta. The game is up. What are you trying to do?" said Calvin snatching off Violetta's wig.

"You two really need to understand this. I'm not a criminal. I'm an outcast who's treated like a criminal and is forced to commit crimes" said Violetta.

"But what are you trying to do?" said Calvin.

"I really don't mean any harm, Calvin. But Constantine is trying to get revenge on you for saving Paul McCartney from Constance Hatchaway" said Violetta.

"So he's gotten you to replace Sam just to do that?" said Charles Wallace.

"It's actually more than that. But, trust me, I never agreed to this" said Violetta.

"Okay, we believe you. We saw how afraid you were of us" said Calvin.

"I was never afraid of you. I just didn't want to lie to you forever." said Violetta.

"That's fair. But where's Sam?" said Calvin.

"In the Russian Gulag. Constantine framed her and the cops thought she was me" said Violetta.

"Sam's in jail?! We gotta save her" said Charles Wallace.

"Not so fast. I cannot believe you told on me, Violetta" said Constantine.

"Constantine, they found out first. So I can't lie anymore" said Violetta.

Wags the Dog tackled Constantine.

"Quick. The freight train. Hurry" said Violetta.

Wags and the boys jumped out of the train and escaped.

Violetta wanted to come with, but she was pulled back by Constantine.

"We gotta go back! Warn the others" said Charles Wallace.

"I tried. They didn't believe me. It's our word against Constantine's and Violetta's fooled them all." said Calvin.

"Should we go to the police?" said Charles Wallace.

"We don't have any evidence. What's important now is that we rescue Sam" said Calvin.

Great! Calvin and Charles Wallace know what's happening!

Let's see how they save Sam in the next chapter, shall we?

Peace and love,


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