Chapter 2

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        "If I quite flirting with you do you think we could become friends?" I asked leaning on the counter. "You asked to ask one question and you'd leave me the fuck alone, now leave me alone." He said grabbing a bottle and taking a drink. I huffed. "Fine then." I said getting up. "Thanks for the drink Husk." I started to head up to my room and looked back over my shoulder only to see him lying down to take a nap. I gave a slight smile and continued my way back to bed. Once I got there I slid under the covers and thought of the work I had to do tomorrow. It took a while, but I had finally fallen back to sleep.

The next morning I got up and took a shower. I could smell the alcohol on my breath from last night so I knew I'd have to brush my teeth twice just to make it go away. After finishing up I got into my classic cloths and headed down. I had decided not to eat and just to head out. I was good with bringing everyone it and no one could tell me otherwise. I couldn't get the thought of Husk actually opening up to me just a little, but I had to put that to the side just to get some work done. I went over to a lonely looking dude sitting on a bench and sat next to him. "Hey there handsome~ What's a lonely guy like you doing without someone like me?" I asked putting a finger under his chin and making him look at me. He was a tiny thing to be honest.

"Sitting... and waiting..." He said confused at the fact I was talking to him. "Mind if I wait with you? You make me feel safe in this world." I said giving him a smile. "Sure, er... what's someone who's as beautiful as you named?" He asked becoming more comfortable with me. "(Y/N), but you can call me what ever as long as I'm yours.~" I watched his face turn a dark red. "I'm W-" He was cut off by a woman walking up to him. "WALTER YOU CHEATING BITCH!" She yelled causing the man to hop up and run as though his life depended on it. "Shit."I cursed and started to head to a different place.

After a few hours of walking around I decided to take a seat and relax. I never understood why people liked others in high heels besides it making my ass look bigger. I rolled my eyes and sighed. My feet were killing me but I was use to it by now. A face I wish would just leave my life forever decided to sit next to me. "Hello there Kitten~" He said. "Did I walk down the porno street by accident again or did I sit by the dumpster you get your perfume from?" I asked glaring at Valentino. "I was just on a stroll and saw you. Since I'm here have you changed your mind? That body of yours would be so amazing on screen." He said using two of his fingers to walk up my arm. I slapped them away. "My answer will always be no. My body is not for sale and even if it was you couldn't afford it, you cheaply dressed pimp." He stood up towering over me.

"I could just take you and force you into it, but I've seen the friends you have and would rather not pay for it." He chuckled before leaning down to meet my ear. "But the moment I get my hands on you, I'm going to..." And he started to whisper dirty things even Lucifer himself would be ashamed to hear. I almost vomited, but stood up. "GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU FREAK!" I yelled spitting in his face. His smile turned to a frown and his hand raised up and hit me in the face. "Know your place skank." He said walking away.

He had enough strength to knock me to the ground, but not enough to knock me out. I got up, now covered in dirt and having a few scratched from glass and rocks the littered the ground. I knew that today was a bust so I just headed back to the hotel. The sting of where his hand hit stayed, it almost felt like it was just done. I honestly hated that man, I felt bad that Angel had to deal with him as much as he did.

I headed to my room to take the little pieces of glass and rocks out of my flesh and to check my face. I grabbed some tweezers and plucked out shards of broken beer bottles and sharp pebbles. It took about thirty minutes to do so but I managed. Heading over to the mirror I saw that my whole left cheek was three shades darker then my tone. "Screw changing and showering... I need a drink." I said heading down to the bar.

Dirt had found my body to be its new home and there was some blood coming from the cuts, but I didn't look like shit at least, or to much like it. I took a seat at the far end of the counter and took some peanuts. I watched Husk walk over to me. "The hell happen to you? You get mugged? If you did and don't have money to pay then go find someone to get your free drinks or whatever." He said. "I wasn't mugged and I can pay." I told him. "Well you look like shit." He said grabbing something and handing me a drink. "I feel like shit." I said which mad him chuckle.

He handed me a drink. "So what made ya look and feel like shit if you weren't mugged?" He asked. "I took a seat after walking for hours and Val sat and talked to me again, asking me to sign my body away to him. I told him no and asshole hit me. I fell onto the ground and got covered in dirt, rocks, and broken glass... Lucky me I guess." I said. He must have seen I was finished and poured me another. "Thanks." I said going a little slower with the drink. "yeah whatever, just take it and take a shower, you smell like a sewer." He said brushing everything off. " You know it's alright to be nice when showing you care right?" I asked chuckling and leaving. "I don't care." I heard him say. I knew he some what did though and smiled.


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