Chapter 9

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        I could feel my hand covered in something soft, but it was solid like a wall. I could feel it moving, and was confused. I opened my ayes and saw my hand almost fully buried into Husk's chest fur. I pulled my hand back and moved it to his back. I felt as one of his hands go up to my head and push my head to his chest. "Don't make a spot warm if you plan to make it cold later..." I heard him grumble. "Good morning to you too." I chuckled. " to early... the only thing good here is you." He said. I looked up at him and his eyes were still closed. "I could same thing about you." I heard him give a small chuckle.

"So last night wasn't just a drunk dream I see..." He said looking down at me. " If it is a dream then I don't want to wake up." I smiled causing him to smile. I could feel the hunger start to act up and I realized that I had not eaten since lunch time yesterday. "What about I take you to breakfast in about thirty minutes. I'll take you to a dinner and even pay myself." I offered. He thought about it. "I'd rather sleep holding you." He told me. "But Husky poo, I'm hungry..." I said with a pout. "I'll take you to eat in ten if you never call me that again." He said. I smiled. "Fine by me." I Said going to get up, but he pulled me back down. "Husk... I need to get dressed..." I told him.

He somewhat freaked and pushed himself off me."PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHS ON!" He yelled wide eyed. I started laughing because I was wearing cloths, I just had to change. He started to calm down once he realized I was dressed and I was crying on the bed. "Holy fuck..."He said calming his breathing. "You're wearing cloths..." He said happy, but somewhat disappointed. I calmed myself and got up. "Wait then what do you mean you have to get dressed?" He asked. I went over to a dresser and pulled out some day cloths. "I need to change from pj's to actual cloths." I said getting an 'ah' from him.

I giggled and went to change in the bathroom. After changing I came out and smiled, but Husk wasn't there. 'Did he ditch me?' I though, but then I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and it was Husk. "I went to my room to get ready and it seems I let the door shut behind me..." He told me. I just smiled. "It's alright, I understand." He looked at me and offered an arm. "Breakfast?" He asked. "Sounds wonderful." I said and started walking with him. "And by the way, you aren't paying. I'm taking YOU to breakfast so I will pay for BOTH of us." He told me. I gave him a look that questioned why. "This is me taking you on a date, and I'm not letting my date pay for me or their self." He answered.

We headed down and I felt Husk's pace pick up as I heard Angel say hi to him. Angel started heading over to us, but I don't believe he saw me. Angel had gotten in front of Husk and stopped us." Hey there Husky~ Where ya going?" He asked. Husk was annoyed. "None of your damn business." Angel placed a finger under Husk's chin. "Can I come? I promise I'll make it fun~" He smiled making Husk angry. "Angie." I said making him jump. "Shit (Y/N)! I didn't see you there! With your arm... around Husk's arm... and your holding his hand..." He said piecing it together. I felt Husk let go of my hand and pulled his arm away.

"Holy shit you got him to fall for your shit?" He asked excited. I saw Husk's face change from anger to discomfort. "No, I gave up on that game I play because I actually love him. In other words, I'm not playing any more and Husk is my..." I couldn't finish. Did he consider me as his partner? Would he be mad if I called him mine? "I see... Can I have all yer old guys?" Angel asked. "Have them, I don't care." I told him. "But back off of Husk." He just laughed. "I'll back off yer boyfriend, toots. Have fun on ya date." He said leaving us alone.

We continued to the diner. We didn't speak, or hold hands. Once we got to our seats he looked at the menu. I looked and decided on (F/m/d)Favorite morning drink. Along with that I'd have some waffles. The waitress came back and we placed our orders. Husk just sat there after looking out the window. Was he mad at me? "Husk?..." I asked, but had no clue what to say next. "Why did you freeze when you were telling Angel who I am to you?" He asked. He was upset. "I didn't know if you wanted me to label you as my boyfriend, and I didn't want to upset you, but it seems I did..." I said looking away.

He looked over to me and sighed. "I'm not a toy to you right?" He asked. I was caught off guard. "No, You could never be anything like that to me." I told him. " You aren't lying that you love me like I love you right?" He asked. I could tell Angel got to him. "I love you more then that. Did...Did Angel get to you?" I asked. He just huffed, looked away, and muttered a no. I made him look at me. "He did, but I promise I'm telling you the truth. I must ask, do you want me to call you my boyfriend?" I asked catching his attention. "Do you want to be my partner?" He asked in return.

"I want to be your partner more then you know... It's the only thing I really want, is to be yours. To hear you say, yeah that's my partner, to be in your arms, to walk around and have a certain smell remind you of me, like alcohol and cigars remind me of you..." I told him letting out all the things I wanted to say three days ago. "I want to be yours as well... to make you smile, feel you breathing as we sleep, just to be in your presents. I want to be your boyfriend." I smiled. "Then we both agree on it." He smiled and leaned in. I did as well. "I'm happy we agree..." He told me as I pulled him in for a kiss. We were both happy.


All I know is I can't stop writing some of the love scenes and thinking about the girl I like... Honestly felt odd not typing anything here so there's a fun fact. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a lovely night.


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