Chapter 10

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        The only reason we broke apart was because the waitress dropped off our food. We began to eat and enjoy the morning. I watched out the window and saw some of hell's birds fly by. I could feel Husk's eyes on me so I looked over and smiled. "What's on your mind, kitty?" I asked. He somewhat snapped out of it. "Just kinda thinking, ya know." He said not caring about me calling him kitty. "Careful then, think to much and your food will be cold." I chuckled. "Yer right, I do want to eat my food at least warm." He gave out a slight laugh.

The guy behind us must have had someone piss in his milk cus he turned around. "Can you two dipshits shut the hell up? You're annoying as fuck and this little thing behind me sounds like a fucking elephant on helium." He said pointing to me. Husk stood up slamming his hands on the table. "HOW BOUT YOU LEAVE US THE FUCK ALONE BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS!" He yelled clearly angry at the dude. "How bout you make me you kitty litter shit eater!" Husk was about to go over to him, but he paused.

I guess I had stunned him considering I had just broken the guys nose. "Holy shit..." Is all Husk said. The other guy couldn't process what happened and thought Husk had hit him. "YOU FUCKING FLEA BAG!" He yelled. I grabbed the tie he was wearing, 'I guess he was heading to a job.' I thought before squatting down and yanking the tie down which caused his head to slam into the table. I got up as the dude was knocked out on the ground. "That was so fucking badass..." Husk said. "Uh... thanks, let's get back to eating." I say taking a seat. "We're not going to acknowledge you just kicked his ass?" He asked. I just looked up at him. "He shouldn't have called my boyfriend all those things, he had it coming."

"How did you learn to fight like that?" He asked. " I just learned some self defense to deal with assholes like him. Usually I never use them because I usually choose flight or freeze." I told him. He nodded. "Thank's for kicking his sorry ass." He said smiling. "You're welcome." I finished eating and smiled. He payed for our meals and headed out with me. "Do you think we could stay in the same room?" He asked. "Moving a little fast aren't we?" I joked. He just rubbed his arm.

"I'm joking, I wouldn't mind sharing a room with you." I smiled. I really did enjoy the thought of us sharing a room and a bed. Just being in his arms as I slept made me happy. "We'll have to talk about it to Charlie about it, but feel free to move some stuff into my room if you want." I told him making him smile. "Then I'll start on that today." He said happily. "I'll help if you want." I offered and he said he'd love the help.

Once we got back to the hotel we went to his room to start moving things. It was mostly just some cloths and a few nick knacks. "We should probably clean up a bit." I said kicking around a bottle. He nodded so we started to clean up his room. After we filled the trash I went down for a bigger back and Husk stayed to clean. I looked at the time and realized we had been working almost all day on his room. I grabbed a bag and went back to his room. He was passed out on the bed so I just shook my head and finished up for him. I felt slightly odd just to climb in bed with him so I went back to my room to sleep.

After a few hours of sleeping, I woke of from a nightmare. 'God they only repeat themselves, but no matter what they're horrible.' I thought. I got up to get a drink, but remembered Husk fell asleep early, so no drink for me. Then I remembered Husk's room was right next to mine. I could just go over and ask to sleep with him, I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I decided to do that so I got up and snuck over to his room. I gave the door a knock, but there was no response. A few more times and I heard a groan. I mean it was one in the morning so I can't blame him. He opened the door after a minute. "What?" He asked before opening his tired eyes. "Can I sleep with you?" I asked. His eyes shot open. "What?" He asked now more surprised now.

"I had a nightmare, and was wondering if I could sleep with you..." I explained. He gave a slight nod as though he understood what I had said. "Of course you can." He said before picking me up. I was confused, but he carried me to be and lied down. He held me close to him. "I love ya (Y/N)..." He told me drifting back off to sleep. "I love you too Husk." I smiled feeling better already. "Promise not to hurt me?" He asked. "I couldn't dream of it." I said. He pulled me closer to him. "Goodnight..." I smiled and whispered goodnight back to him before falling back to sleep.


So if I just stop making chapters with no reason then feel free to peer pressure me to write. I do respond to messages so yeah. Hope you enjoyed and have a lovely night.


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