Chapter 11

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        I woke up to a loving kiss on my cheek. I didn't open my eyes to see what he would do next. "I've never been more happy to wake up with someone in my bed till you." He said in almost a whisper. "I love you, I fell hard and fast even though I really never wanted to because I don't want to get hurt, but you're worth it." I felt him kiss me again. I just cuddled closer with a smile. I felt his grip tighten as he placed his head on mine. "I love you so much, I've never wanted to make the same mistake twice, but loving you is not mistake" I said back to him giving his neck a kiss.

"Wait you heard me?" He asked I could tell somewhat embarrassed. "Yeah, I woke up after the first kiss."I smiled. He started to grumble something I couldn't understand. "What did you say?" I asked playfully. "Nothing..." He said being stubborn. "Awww come on... pleeeeease?" I asked. "I said go back to sleep you adorable bitch." He grumbled. I chuckled. "Oh my, I'm such a bitch." I joked. He just shook his head and gave a small smile. "You are anything but a bitch, and that's the god damn truth." He said pulling me back in.

"You know we have to finish your room today, and get something to eat." I said as I held him. "Shit... yer right." He said clearly disappointed we couldn't just stay and cuddle. "If you want I could take the trash out and you can grab breakfast for both of us." I said. "Or we could switch roles..." I just shook my head. "I'd like to go on a walk anyways, I mean I got to get that morning exercise going." I joked making him laugh. "Fine, but be careful. I don't want you getting cut by any glass in the bags." He said kissing my forehead. "Alright I will be careful." I smiled and kissed his neck again. It caused him to purr and blush.

I got up and started grabbing bags. I watched as he sat up and I smiled. "I think I found a little weakness on you.~" I said causing him to blush. "No you fucking didn't!" He said getting defensive. "Want me to do it again then to prove my point?" I asked getting closer to him. "N-no!" He couldn't even look me in the eyes at this point. I just giggled and grabbed the bags. "Point proven." I said heading down with the bags. He had caught up to me. "Don't tell anyone... got it..." He said crossing his arms. "I won't, I promise." I told him being fully honest. He smiled and kissed my cheek before we departed.

He headed to the kitchen and I headed to the trash out back. Something felt off, but I ignored it and went back for the last two bags. I decided to grab something to defend myself with because the feeling just got worse. I headed back out with the last two bags of trash and a bat and dumped the trash. "You haven't been picking up my call's or text." I heard Val say. "I ditched that phone and you don't own me." I said getting ready to either run or bat his knees to a home run. "One of these days I will." He smiled. I just scoffed at what he said.

"What's with the cloths? It's not your normal wear..." He pointed out. "I'm out of the game, I ain't playing that shit no more and it's final." I told him starting to get frustrated. "When I'm done with you you'll be back in it and working for me. Mark my words." He threatened. "Yeah I'll mark them in the sand because they are gonna get blown away." I laughed and started to walk away. I heard him getting closer to me so I swung the bat at his head. It hit his chest knocking the wind out of him, but he managed to push me into the wall before he fell.

I got my ass up and ran inside with the adrenaline I had. "Oh! (Y/N)! Husk told me you two are sharing a room and he's waiting in there now!" Charlie said happily. I gave a nod and headed to my room. Once I got in there I placed down my bat and took a seat. "Holy shit babe, what the fuck happened?" He asked. I looked down and realized my cloths were dirty. "I had to deal with Val and he pushed me... but hey the dirt will wash out, no need to worry. " I told him. He got up and searched the bathroom before coming back with a first aid kit.

"Mother fucker, I'm gonna kill that bitch." Husk said. "I didn't get hurt Husk, I'm fine." He just looked at me shocked. "You're fucking bleeding..." He said putting a hand on my forehead and showing me the blood. "Oh shit... the bricks must have gotten me..." I chuckled and he started to fix me up. "That bitch needs to stay away from you. I don't want you getting hurt because of that abusive asshole." He told me as he finished up. "I do my best to avoid him..." I said, but I knew me avoiding him would do nothing. Husk just shook his head. "I'm gonna make sure you are safe from him... now go get some clean cloths on before breakfast. You look uncomfortable in the dirty shit." He smiled. I just smiled back and went to change.


So my mental health is shit with the fact my birthday is in 7 days and I came out to my mom as non-binary and she got pissed at me. So I'mma take a break for the rest of the month and update when I feel somewhat better. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a lovely night.


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