Chapter 4

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The only reason I woke up was because Nuggets tried to nudge my cheek and it still hurt like hell. "What is it Nuggies?" I asked, but then I heard the knocking. "I'm coming give me a sec!" I said knowing it was Angel. I got up and went to the door. Nuggets had followed me so I picked him up before opening the door, I mean there was a chance it could be someone else. Nope, it was Angel. "Hey their baby!" He said happily taking Nuggets and holding him. "Thanks for watching him (Y/N). I wont even bother asking if you took care of him well, I know you did." He said chuckling. "How could I not?" I asked. "How was work?" Angel looked at me and rubbed the back of his head. "It was hell, Val came in pissed and gave me a hard time." He said.

 I knew why that cheep pimp was mad. "I'm sorry, it's my fault." I told him. "No it wasn't, he said some bitch refused a job and spit in his face." He said with a slight smile. I thought for a second about how I should tell him. "Hey how did ya get that mark on your face? It looks hella bad." He told me. "Well I'm bitch, and Val slapped me after I spit in his face." I explained. "Damn, you know give me a sec, I'mma put Nuggets ta bed and I'll be back." He said and headed to his room to do just that.

 He soon came back and grabbed my arm rushing down stairs. "Angel what's going on?!?!" I asked worried. "Yeah, but I not only owe ya a drink, but you need one after Val." He said taking me to the bar. "You don't owe me anything, and I already got two drinks today." I told him. He didn't really care and sat me at the bar before sitting next to me. "Hey Husky, I need two drinks, pronto!" He said. "Take your fuck buddy some water if you're gonna be in a fucking rush." Husk said not turning around. Angel looked at me. "(Y/N), are you my fuck buddy tonight?" He asked jokingly. "I have no clue, I think tonight I'm staying with Brad, or maybe it was Brycen...." I said now confused. "Damn you should take a break with those assholes, I know it's fun, but remembering all those names must be a nightmare! I also can't help, but think about the suckers who can be abusive and can't handle the break like a normal person." Angel told me.

 I started to get glimpses of my past. It wasn't even that long ago, I had only been here for half a year. I still tried to forget it though. I had pissed off my ex and it was the wrong choice to break up with him. I could have made it to be 80 had I watched who I went after. I started to feel my airways being blocked and slowly started to panic before Angel snapped me out of it. "Hello stranger~" One of the guys I was waiting to break said. "Hello." I said as plainly as possible. I was happy to be snapped out of it. "Ya know my room has a bed fit for two, and I'm sure we can have some fun~" He purred. I couldn't even remember this fuckers name, no way in hell was I sleeping with him.

 "You know if you want to sleep with someone there's people you can pay to suck that sad thing on you that you have the guts to call a dick." I told him not in the mood for anything but a drink and some sleep. "Playing hard to get I see." I looked him dead in the eyes. "No I'm playing fuck off I don't want to be bothered right now." That had earned me another slap in the face. Angel stood up and nailed the guy in the face. "Back off my friend you sick bastard! If I ever see ya near em again I'll do much worse to ya!" He yelled at him. The dude stood up and ran off to his room. "You ever get tired of dealing with that?" I heard a gruffy voice ask.

"Yeah, but I'm use to getting the occasional slap, just he hit the spot that hurts." I told Husk who looked at me. "Shit it's still there." He said making me chuckle. "So what's the rules to your game?" He asked. "Want to play or making sure I don't do something to you?" I jokingly asked. "I want to know so I can avoid being that asshole." He seemed to be use to me which surprised me. "Alright, I got the rules from a song I liked while I was living. Rule number 1 is that you have to have fun and in the end you have to run, rule 2 is don't get attached to someone you could lose, rule 3 is wear your heart on your cheek and never on your sleeve, and rule 4 is look pure." I told him. "Interesting rules I guess. Now I know what to look for, uh... thanks." He said surprising me. "You're welcome..." I smiled.


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