Chapter 5

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              "So what's the deal with hating everyone and not feeling love?" I asked and he looked up from what he was doing. "People are assholes so why should I have any feelings for them? They don't deserve it." He said. It took me slightly by surprise. "Think you'll find someone who might make you change?" He just chuckled at my question. "That wasn't a joke? No I never will." He told me. "Uh... Here..." He said handing me a rag filled with ice."for your cheek, I don't want people thinking I hit you." He said turning back to his work. "Thanks, you're a good friend ya know." I said and he just mumbled. I honestly believe that he started to like me, but it might take a while. I couldn't blame him. I have a reputation of getting with and leaving people in a week or two. "Hey Husk, how did you die?" I asked. "Don't want to talk about it... How did you die?" He asked not turning to face me. "My little game killed me with the wrong person..." I said getting flooded with the memories.

         "Then why do you still play that shitty game?" He asked taking a peak at me. "I don't know... Maybe I'm to scared to drink my sorrows away, or it's the only way I can feel loved... Just a way of keeping myself together till..." I stopped causing him to turn."Till what?" He asked. "Till I find someone who loves me for me and not just my looks..." I finished. He just stood there for a few minutes. "Well good luck with that." He said. "Yeah thanks." I told him before finally pressing the ice to my red cheek. "So any plans after work?" I asked.

        "Yeah, I'm going to the casino to play a little and get a few drinks." He said. "Sounds fun! I'd ask to go, but gambling isn't my thing." I said joking. "Wouldn't have invited you even if it was." He said. I just nodded. "Alright, have fun and thanks for the ice." I said getting up to head to my room. "Hey!" He yelled making me look over to him. "If you ever want to learn I'm your guy." He said not even understanding what he just said. "Thanks, I'll keep that offer in mind!" I smiled and headed to bed. I didn't even know how tired I was till I lied down and passed out.

        I woke up to my phone buzzing. 1 new message from ....  It was a number I didn't know, but they knew me. I looked at it and realized it was Husk. "Miss me that much?" I joked and rubbed my tired eyes. I opened up the text and read it. Pick me up from the casino... I'm drunk and hella beat up... "Guess this is my pay back..."I said getting up and getting on some shoes before heading to the casino. I texted him asking where he was and he told me the ally. "Todaly not gonna get fucked back there..." I said rolling my eyes. I managed to get there with out a perv following me and found him. "The hell happened?" I asked helping his drunk ass up. He was cut up and bruised, I had to throw one of his arms around me to help him back.

          He explained how he kept winning and they thought he was cheating so they beat him and threw him out. "You should have lost a few games or drank less." I said. He huffed. "Not my fault they fucking suck at playing poker..." He said. "Yeah, yeah... Let's get you back to the hotel and to your room." I said and started to head to the hotel. The moment we got in I went to his room, but it was locked. "Do you have the key?" I asked, but he just shook his head. "Dropped it." He said. I sighed and event to my room. "Sit on the bed, I'm gonna patch you up." I told him and he did just that. 

         I went to the bathroom and pulled out a few things to help. When I returned I patched him up. "Thank you, for your help love." He said and it actually got to me. I blushed and knew he was drunk because he would never say that. "You're welcome, I'm gonna put this up and we'll figure out where you'll sleep for tonight." I told him and went to put the stuff up. I came back out and saw him fast asleep on my bed. "Alright... The floor seems comfortable." I joked knowing it wasn't. I headed to the side of the bed and saw Husk. He was slightly purring in his sleep and I realized this would be the only time I could get away with petting him so I did. I started to relax to his purrs, but then he grabbed my wrist and yanked me into him. He was holding me and rubbing his face on mine while purring. He turned as to make sure I didn't fall off the bed and draped a wing over me. I was warm and actually comfortable, I knew he'd be complaining tomorrow, but it's his own fault for pulling me into bed with him. Him holding me felt right, I just wanted to stay awake to feel this a little longer, but I fell asleep.


I am so sorry mom grounded me and I'm not ungrounded yet, so I'm going to try and update as much as I can I'm sorry if I don't and I'm sorry for how late this update is. Hope your enjoyed and have a lovely night.


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