Chapter 7

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        I went about the next few days like I normally would, but two factors had changed. Number one: Husk was my only thoughts for the past two days. The night I brought him back to the hotel, him pulling me into bed with him, the next morning when he yelled at me and left, him punching and beating the dude who wouldn't let go, him holding me as I cried, the scent of alcohol and cigars that followed him around, the kiss he placed on my cheek.... It all lingered in my head and I couldn't even fake my way through the false relationships. I was catching myself looking at him and looking away before he could catch me, trying to head to the bar, but walking away, and I once caught myself writing dates to remember and instead I wrote his name and damn hearts. 'God I can't be love sick for him...' I continued to think.

Number two: I wasn't functioning normally. Nothing phased me. Someone call me a bitch? 'Oh ok...' I'd say and give a little nod before walking off. I ran into a few things and got a few bruises, but I wouldn't say single thing. I'd burn my mouth on hot food and continue eating. My outer emotions were gone, while on the contrary my inside emotions were a wild mess. I barely talked, maybe one to three words would come out of my mouth. I had taken the two days off of work because I wasn't myself. Guess all this is why the next events happened...

I was in my room when I decided to get a drink, and not an alcoholic one. So far Angel, Charlie, and Nifty were worried and knew something was different. Knowing Angel and his blabber mouth and his love for alcohol he already told Husk something was up. No one was in the halls, but the moment I tried heading to the kitchen I was stopped by Jason. 'God another asshole...' I thought to myself. "I missed ya." He said. "ok." He was shocked, but he brushed it off. "What you doing?" He asked standing in my way as I tried to walk. "Water." He was confused. "The hell is wrong with ya babe?" He asked getting closer. "Nothing." I told him backing up.

"Alright, can I get a kiss before you go?" He asked. I shook my head and tried walking to the kitchen. He stopped me. "One kiss and I'll leave you alone." He said. I thought about it. "Fine, 3 seconds." I said. He pulled me close and kissed me. I counted and tried to push away at three, but he refused till five seconds went by. "GET YOU'RE FUCKING HANDS OF OF THEM YOU UGLY ASS WIPE OF A BITCH!" I hear Husk yell. I looked over and he was stomping over. The moment he got to us, he gently removed me from the mans arm and placed me behind him, even opening up a wing to keep me shielded. " LEAVE THEM THE FUCK ALONE OR YOU'LL WISH FOR DEATH NEXT TIME!" He said throwing out insults and threats. Jason decided to just walk away.

I watched Husk's wing slowly drop and he turned to me. It was silent for a few minutes, neither of us talked. I broke the silents. "Thank you, Husk..." I said wanting to say more. He just shook his head. "Come on, I'll walk with you to get what you wanted... what was it you were going to get?" He asked. "I... I was going to get water, I was thirsty." Both of us were surprised. "I see you're feeling better." He said. "Come on, lets get you that water." He said walking with me. I smiled and walked next to him. "I uh... heard from Angel that you weren't acting yourself and I guess it's my fault to be honest." He said as I started to get a glass and fill it.I took a sip before looking at him. "It's not your fault.... It's mine. I wasn't expecting that whole day to happen." I told him.

"And that whole morning was my fault. I still haven't even said thank you for patching me up." He said rubbing the back of his head. " I owed you, there was no need for thanks." He chuckled at my response. "You only had to bring me back, not patch me up, so I owe you." He told me. "You don't have to." I said. He shook his head. "No, I want to pay you back... how about we go to the bar and get a few drinks." He asked. I looked down at the water and smiled. "I'd like that." I said finishing the water. "Now seems better then ever." He said walking back with me. "I agree." I told him and playfully pushed him with my shoulder. He chuckled and yelled at the people at the bar to leave, and that it was closed the rest of the day. They moaned and groaned before leaving.

He went behind the bar and I took a seat on a stool. "What's your poison, love?" He asked. "Surprise me, but nothing girly." I told him making him chuckle for the millionth time. He poured me a drink and handed it to me. Thirty minutes later we had had about five or six drinks. We were laughing at a joke and the moment we calmed down he looked at me. I knew I was back to normal by now, at least with the emotions on the outside. "Hey, uh...(Y/N)... Have you ever fallen in love with someone who could never fall in love with you? Do you know what it might feel like and how you'd know?" He asked. He was serious about his question. I looked at how he was standing. He had an arm supporting him as he leaned on the bar while the other one held a drink. His back was bent and he refused to look at me.

"I fell in love once while living, he hurt me and I refused to let it happen again, which is why I started breaking hearts... Recently I've remebered what it's like to fall in love for someone that could never love me. It's stupid of me knowing who I am, but I can't stop thinking about them... They fucked up my life, but in a good way. A way that make me want them to fuck up my life even more. I can't quit thinking about them, I want to hold them, tell them how I feel..." I told him. "That's how it feels?" He asked. "Shit, then guess I'm in love with them and now finding out they love someone else." He said slightly angry. "Husk..." I started. "God damn it! I FUCKING LOVE YOU (Y/N)!" He yelled out pain laced his voice.

I didn't know what to say so I hopped on the bar to sit and wrapped my legs around his waist. I grabbed his cheeks and pulled him close. He was relaxed by this. I gave him a kiss, a real kiss, one I haven't done since I was 22. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and kiss back. The moment he pulled back for a breath he seemed confused. "What about the other person?" He asked. "Husk, I love you... I know it seems hard to believe, but I do..." I told him. He put a hand to my cheek, the one with out the shrinking print. I just held it there. "I love you as well, (Y/N)." He smiled. "I have since you quite the flirting, and tried being my friend instead. You cared even when I acted as though I didn't. I love you for the real you." He told me. "I've loved you since you showed you didn't care about me because of my looks like the others do. You cared after getting to know me better." I told him smiling. "I'm gonna prove to you that I'm serious about this." I said getting down and dragging him to my room with me.


So I'm at dads for a week so I will be updating a lot more then what I was doing, but once I get to moms it might go back to updating when I can. I do hope you enjoyed and have a lovely night!


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