Chapter 23 - Lucia Rodriguez

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I hang up the phone and then it clicks whose voice that was. Fucking Mal's. I walk over to Alex and hand her the phone before getting back to practice. Everything flys by and I just feel numb before I know it I'm breaking down in my car.

"T?" I look up and see Alex standing at the window. "What happened?"

"I called her and I heard Mal's voice in the background," I say sniffling. "I can't do this Alex." She pulls me into her and I let the older woman hug me.

"Let's go back to the hotel and not think the worst. I'll come with you and give her a good slap across the face if she's cheating." I let out a little chuckle as she stays the last part. She follows me in her car as we make it to the hotel room and I slowly open the door feeding what is going to be waiting for me on the other side.

I sigh when I see its Mallory free but then my eyes land on Lucia typing away at her computer. "Lucia Rodriguez I swear to god if your sleeping with Mallory Pugh I'm going to beat the living shit out of you."

Lucia raises her hands up and looks shocked at the livid Alex Morgan in front of her. "What the fuck do you mean?"

"I heard her voice on the other side of the phone and Alex said you've been dodging her calls for weeks. So who were you with Thursday night that you came home so late."

"Ok I knew you'd be mad but I've been slowly getting a new tattoo on my back and it's pretty big. Thursday night Ash was doing a bunch of it. As with Mal, she was just checking up on me and also telling me that she was marrying Dansby."

"God I'm so stupid," I say collapsing in her arms. "No you aren't it was a pretty valid assumption and with everything going on." She kisses my forehead and then shoved me off her. "Shower you stink."

"No, I do not!" I scoff and turn to Alex who nods and motions towards the bathroom door. I roll my eyes and head I tot the bathroom.


"Did you really think I was cheating on her?"

"Kinda." She says rubbing the back of her neck. "But never mind that how was your therapy session?"

"It went fine. After 30 minutes I gave in and told her what was happening. She just gave me some pills for sleeping." Alex hugs me. "I just want to tell you how proud of you I am. I raised you well."

"I wasn't a child when you became my mother figure, Alex."

"Yes you may have been 19 but you were still acting like a child. I'm the one who made you into the beautiful young woman you are."

"Alex I'm 30 I don't think that's very young."

"When you get to my age yes it is Lucia." I giggle and pull away from the hug. "You just called yourself an old lady." Her smile drops. "I will still beat the crap out of you."

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