🤍 0 • 5 " Accident. " 0 • 5 🤍

667 21 13

Kaede Akamatsu 🤍
4:18 pm.

"Got everything?" Kaito asked.

Kaede nodded very carefully, holding the gun - which she didn't know how to use - and knife. She had a backpack over her shoulders too.

"Good, stay safe, alright?" Kaito looked down. "I don't want to lose ya' guys."

"Shut up purple dick! We will be fucking alright!" Miu lashed back. She finished tying her hair up, and tossed her bag over her shoulders.

"Like Miu said, we will be alright. Don't worry about us! We will try to be back in a few hours. Give us until the sunsets before looking!" Kaede smiled at Kaito, giving him some sort of reassurance.

"Alright then. I'll believe ya's."

Kaede glanced at everyone in the group. She knew Shuichi had some type of deep internal monologue going on, but she could only hope Kaito would talk him out of those thoughts. Maki didn't show any type of major emotion, while on the opposite end, Chihiro was sobbing. Rantaro smiled at the two, and waved a small goodbye.

"We will be back! Bye guys!" Kaede waved her hand, and walked out the door with Miu following her.

When the door closed shut, and locked, all of Kaedes confidence dropped.

"Come on, we don't have much fucking time." Miu gripped at her green shirt, fixing it very slightly. Seemingly to drop more cleavage.

Kaede walked to the fence, carefully unlocking it and walking out.

Miu and Kaede walked down the street, remaining silent and trying to hide from all attention of the zombies. They didn't have that much close calls, but still, better safe then sorry.

Kaede couldn't help but stress more. The apocalypse barely started, and yet the world was already wasting away. Wind barely pushing at them, and the sun beating away on their skins.

"Any chance we have sunscreen?" Miu whispered.

Kaede laughed, "Nope."

They continued their walk to the market, which wasn't horribly far from Shuichi's house.

"So... Flat tits.." Miu glanced over to Kaede, rubbing her hands together.

Kaede's eyes net towards Miu. "I- yeah?"

Miu stopped walking, glancing at the humongous shop in front of them. "What's the plan? Split up inside to cover more ground?"

"Well... That probably isn't wise.." Kaede countered.

Miu looked back to Kaede. "It isn't wise, but it's fast. And fast is really fucking gooood~. What's the fucking worse that could happen?"

Kaede laughed a bit, "I don't know, maybe one of us getting bitten.. Though, I do doubt that would happen. So, I guess us getting harmed?"

"We're both smart asses. We got this. Split up? Yeah, good. Good luck Kaede. Meet you back by the doors in a bit."

Miu started walking again, opening the doors of the market, and walking inside without a care for her being.

Kaede on the other hand, was careful. She held onto her bag tighter, slightly unzipping it, and holding onto the knife tightly. She knew she probably should've figured out how to use the gun before leaving, but even then, using the gun seemed very unwise. The gun was loud, and according to Shuichi and Maki, that's one thing they wanted to dodge. Loud noises. Loud noises would attract the dead.

🤍 I Don't Want to Die 🤍 // Danganronpa Zombie Apocalypse AUWhere stories live. Discover now