🤍 0 • 6 " Truth. " 0 • 6 🤍

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Sonia Nevermind 🤍
7:31 pm.

As much as she wasn't meant to be... there... she was.

She could remember when it started.

How she was called for an emergency from her home, to Japan. How she boarded the plane, excited to be back at Hopes Peak, and with all of her friends she grown to attach to over the time.

But then, barely even two weeks after, things fell apart.

And here Sonia was.

No way back home, after all the airports went into lockdown to try to keep the virus constricted to one area.

All communication lines cut.

The lost Princess. Gone without a trace.

Quietly, she grazed her thumb across the taller man's hand. As much as he tried to not show it, Sonia could feel it.

The slight shaking, the sharper inhales of breath. Everything was there. He was afraid.

Sonia wasn't shocked about that, though. In everyone's right mind, they would be afraid of this. If they weren't, something was seriously wrong there.

Even as scared as Sonia felt, she needed to play it off as if she wasn't. Not in the slightest way. Every single duty prepared her for it.

And plus, to Sonia, it was definitely better that she studied up on every scary thing of existance. The paranormal, dead, witches, creatures of which that would howl to the moon, spooky myths, and more.

On the other side; the boy which she had a major attachment to, was almost the opposite.

As much as he studied up on the paranormal, and liked the stories - experiencing it was something different.

Sonia took a small look, towards the end of the woods. They managed to travel so far; and now, they had to get free of the forest - the endless amount of trees.

Seeing nothing in the path, she looked back to Gundham, slightly rubbing his hand to gather his attention.

"Yes, my dark queen?" His voice was strong and powerful, as quiet as he talked, to Sonia it was the only thing she could hear. The voice that travelled into her ears, and gathered down to her stomach, awakening all the butterflies Sonia struggled to send to sleep.

"We can make a run for it. Down to the street, to the coffee shop." Sonia whispered softly, pointing off towards to the coffee shop.

Gundham pulled his scarf higher up his face, giving a small nod of approval. Using her hand, she gave a small countdown, and the two ran forwards, out the woods, into the concrete street, and down to the shop.

Inside the shop, they pushed a few chairs in front of the door.

"I'll check if it's clear." Sonia started out. But Gundham shook his head.

"Don't do that, I can do it instead."

Gundham didn't give a chance for Sonia to argue against, and he walked away from her.

Silence was all that followed, minus the occasional door closing, or few footsteps. But otherwise, Sonia allowed herself to take a seat, and occupy the thoughts she didn't get that much of a chance to occupy.

She pulled out her black notebook, and a pen, starting a new page in her diary.


Maybe the world is truly falling apart, not giving a chance for us to heal it.

🤍 I Don't Want to Die 🤍 // Danganronpa Zombie Apocalypse AUWhere stories live. Discover now