The Eldest's Melancholy

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His chubby hands doodled excitedly on the paper. Crayons of various colors strewn carelessly around the boy. Not far from him, an identical boy with dark hair is also focusing in coloring on his own piece of paper. He scooted closer to the boy and they giggled childishly as they compared their piece of art. Their eyes bright with innocence and excitement as their hands continue their work on the paper.

Later, a blonde woman smiled warmly at the drawing they presented to her. Happiness radiated from her blue eyes just like sun itself. A dark-haired man ruffled their heads affectionately and he directed a proud grin at the boys. A grin that made them lightly blushed as they sported the same grin to their father figure. A pair of red eyes soften at the sight of them. Happiness brimming in his chest and threatened to burst out, a feeling he never experienced in hundreds of years.

Two pieces of paper combined into a complete drawing. A blonde woman with a blonde boy is holding hands with a black-haired man and a black-haired boy when put side to side. All of them beaming brightly in childish scribbles, uneven lines of hair and clothes. The color of the house when slightly beyond the lines as doodles of trees and flowers completed the landscape. The sun is shining warmly in the paper above the blue sky. A perfect happy family with no problems.

No secrets.


He wished he could turn back time. To the past when he was still a child. An oblivious, innocent child.

When his ignorance is truly a greatest bliss.


The two boys peered excitedly into the crib. Their faces flushed with excitement as they observed their newborn sisters blinking owlishly at them. Confusion is clear in their tiny red jeweled eyes as they stared back at their big brothers. The dark-haired boy curiously poked the blonde baby's chubby cheek, marveled at her soft skin as he pulled his hand away. He beamed when the baby smiled at the gentle touch. His brother observed the interaction before his own curiosity and envy gnawed on him. The blonde boy experimentally stroked the dark-haired baby tiny fist with his finger. The infant grabbed the digit tightly and waved it excitedly as she gurgled happily at the boy. 

Not far from them, their mother rested comfortably on the couch as she chuckled at her children's antics. She leaned against her husband, still exhausted and weary after giving birth a few days ago. Her husband stroked her head lovingly as he observed the boys' delight in playing around with their new siblings. Careful to make sure every touch of his sons did not hurt the fragile newborns. In the pastel nursery, the woman and man felt the most complete and happy with their new family with them.

Then, the babies sneezed. Their thickly pajamas-clad bodies shivered at the slight winter air. The boys panicked, turning immediately to their parents for help. Their anxiety slightly amused the married couple.

"It seems like we forgot the blankets for the babies. Why don't you take it from the wardrobe in our room, Emrys?" suggested Lucas.

The boy nodded excitedly at the order, delighted to ease his sisters. Then, Athanasia pulled her husband's sleeve in panic and Lucas immediately understood her worry about the secret in their room. He quickly stopped the boy. 

"Wait. Let me take it. You might search the wrong area and take the napkins, instead." Lucas joked as he pulled the boy back into the room and exited the room.

Emrys grumbled as Athanasia sighed in relief. Next to the crib, a blonde boy watched the whole interaction in silence. Confused at his parents' shared enigmatic glances. However, he immediately forgot about it when the babies sneezed again.

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