Chapter 7: Morning!

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"Lily! Wake up!"

Lily woke with a jolt; Hestia's smirking face shaking her awake was only an inch from her own.

"Good, you're awake, now get up or you'll miss breakfast!" Alice chided from across the room, before entering the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"And you'll miss getting your timetable Lils!" Jessica added, laid out on her bed with her arms crossed lazily behind her head, already dressed in her robes with her discreet make up applied and long blonde tresses pulled up in a neat ponytail.

"I hate you all." Lily muttered, pulling the covers over her head, blocking out the light from the open curtains; it was safe to say Lily was not a morning person. Hestia shrugged her shoulders and sighed, Lily was always in a foul mood in a morning, the first morning of term especially.

"Let me try?" Jessica offered, waking up Lily was one of her favourite past times.

"Go ahead." Hestia replied, pulling her wet hair out of the towel she had it rolled up in, with a flick of her wand, her hair was dry and cascading down her shoulders in its usual torrent of chocolate coloured curls. Hestia settled in front of her mirror to style her hair as Jessica swaggered over to Lily's bed, her loose ponytail swaying as she walked. Jessica chuckled slightly as she took a firm grip on the edge of Lily's duvet. She paused to brace herself and with a quick flick of her wrist, she pulled the duvet clean off the bed leaving Lily laid in the middle of the bed curled in a ball looking positively murderous.

Alice, who had come out the bathroom to watch the spectacle, was holding Jessica for support, overtaken by a fit of uncontrollable laughter, even Hestia giggled as she applied a shade of dark pink lipstick in the mirror beside her bed.

Unwillingly, Lily climbed out of bed and regretted not sleeping in socks as a cold shiver shot up her spine as her bare feet connected with the freezing polished wood floor.

Alice ushered Lily into the bathroom to shower, poking her head round the door every minute or so to make sure Lily hadn't fallen asleep stood up in the shower as had been known to happen before, and on several occasions.

A few minutes later Lily was clean, dressed and her hair pulled up into a loose bun and a small amount of makeup that had been applied by Hestia made her look more awake than she actually was. Finally the four of them were ready to go down to breakfast, and with plenty of time to spare too.

"I guess they had to clean up the confetti though; health hazard and all that." Frank Longbottom concluded, Remus nodded in agreement. The topic of conversation at the breakfast table had been the Marauders spectacle at last night's feast, as the boys themselves had expected. Frank, a moderately tall and slightly muscular built fellow seventh year Gryffindor smiled, his brown eyes a glow. Frank, a model student, had been Lily's other choice for Head Boy, despite not being a Prefect he had often accompanied her on rounds when Remus was absent, although he didn't know the reason behind his friends absence, he was happy to help out and not ask any questions. Frank was what Professor McGonagall affectionately nicknamed 'the extra Prefect'. Despite Sirius' preconception that Frank was one of those stuck up Pureblood wizards who learned to ballroom dance and speak a foreign language by the time they were six, he was pleasantly surprised that Frank was not any of these, (although he was absolutely terrified of his mother like most Pureblood boys, anyone would be of his!) he didn't conform to any of the stereotypical norms of a good Pureblood boy. He didn't care for ballroom dancing, he didn't care for his blood status and he didn't care for any of those stuffy balls that the Purebloods put on just to prove how rich they were, Sirius loved him for it! If only he'd actually been able to hack it in the Marauders dormitory, he could have most been a fifth Marauder...

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