Ending 3: Revolution's Dawn

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You stared idly at the white sheets of your hospital bed. Todoroki, along with his family, had left you awhile ago. Your head and heart were still battling with one another. You knew Todoroki was trying to be a better person and a husband. You knew he had even risked his safety to protect you. Your mind still was against the idea of being his wife. He had abandoned you, cheated on you, and left you alone to your devices for so long.

You bite your lip in frustration. You had always been sure of yourself and your decisions. You were taught that in the Hero Commission. White hair flashed in your mind for a second causing your eyes to widen. There was only one person who could help and relate to your problems.

Rei Todoroki.

You got up from your bed, thankful the wires that were previously on you when you were first admitted weren't on you anymore. Your hospital gown fluttered in the air, exposing part of your biker shorts and sports bra. You were aware this was the same hospital Rei was in. Natsuo even mentioned visiting her when he was with you.

Your bare feet trodded along the white cold floor. It would be better to try and find it yourself. You might raise suspicion within the hospital staff if you ask about Rei. You began your journey upstairs towards the psychiatric unit. Your eyes scanned each nametag to each door.

You were so focused you failed to realize you bumped into someone. With a gasp, you walked slightly backward. You looked up to see a familiar hooded figure. It was the same man you saw at the grocery store. The figure moved his head slightly revealing purple scarred skin. Your eyes widened.

"D-Dabi," you called out. The figure didn't say anything. He looked around the area. There wasn't anyone in sight. The figure tightly grabbed your wrist, but you didn't fight him off. The figure guided you to an emergency staircase. Dabi finally took his hood off, revealing his iconic burns. His turquoise eyes narrowed at you as his hands were in his hoodie's front pocket.

"You know you really shouldn't be saying my name where anyone can hear, doll," he stated. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. You wondered why Dabi was here. He was clearly the one to drop off flowers, but they didn't seem to be poisoned or laced with anything. He was also by Rei Todoroki's room. You clicked your tongue. He must've visited his mother. Dabi plopped down on the concrete step. He quirked his black eyebrow up.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me?" he asked. Dabi retrieved his cigarettes and lit one. He took a long drag and blew it out. You narrowed your eyes at Dabi and sat down beside him.

"You shouldn't smoke in a hospital," you replied. He gave you a deadpan look, clearly unamused by your scolding. He intensely looked at you in a sarcastic manner before taking another drag of his cigarette. The smell of smoke filled the area.

"What the hell are you doing here," you asked. He rolled his eyes, his scarred lips going into a tight line.

"I see you still like asking questions," he replied. Dabi was literally going to be the death of you. The Todoroki family was going to be the death of you and your sanity.

"I like knowing what's going on," you responded. Dabi let out a chuckle and leaned the back of his body to the rest of the staircase. His eyes gazed at your curiously. He idly moved his leather cladded boots every so often.

"Here's the deal, doll. I'm helping the League of Villains regroup. Shigaraki's pissed, but I think the best time to take down Endeavor. No one would expect even at their weakest, the League is still capable of wiping out the Number One Hero," Dabi replied. Your body tensed up. You couldn't believe he giving you this amount of information. You knew you needed to report to Hawks as soon as possible to tell him. As many issues you had with Endeavor, you didn't feel as if he should die. Dabi threw his cigarette down. It's blue ambers slightly glowed duller than before.

Arranged (Todoroki x Reader x Various)Where stories live. Discover now