| three |

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PACING back and forth in the living room, a groan escapes Bokuto's lips as he shakes his wet hair to the side. Just three more days until the date. Three! He wasn't sure if that was enough time to prepare. He had just finished his shower and was waiting for Akaashi to finish setting up the table for their meal.

"Hey Bro!" a loud, familiar voice interrupts Bokuto's panic. Looking over, he sees one of his good friends Kuroo Tetsurou. "Akaashi told me about this whole 'rent a girlfriend' thing, so who did you pick?"

"Seriously!?" he says groaning once again. "Why is everyone so invested in this? Here!" He picks up his phone from the couch and shoves it to Kuroo's chest.

Kuroo unlocks Bokuto' s phone entering his password and takes a look through his history. After scrolling down the list of odd searches, he finds the site and smirks. "She's pretty cute, maybe I should rent a date with her next. Kenma would get pretty jealous~"

"Please don't," Akaashi glares at the rooster head. "If you're going to play with her just for Kenma's heart I doubt she'll even fall for you."

"Why're you protective Y/n? She a relative or something?"

Akaashi shakes his head. "No, just a long time friend. Is it wrong to be so protective? I am of Bokuto to."

"I'm a adult Akaashi!" Bokuto butts in, a frown settling on his lips. "I'm not a child, and neither is this friend of yours. I'm sure-"

"But Bokuto's going on a date with her, why can't I?" Kuroo pouted, joking as he crossed his arms together looking like some sort of model.

"Because Bokuto's in pain," Akaashi says, finishing setting up the table. "And besides, there are other girls on the site who you can go on dates with to make your childhood friend jealous. Just read the romance novels in my room. Or, you can confess like any other human being would."

(Alexa, play Pain by Nessa Berrett)

"So strict," Kuroo sticks out his tongue playfully at Akaashi before throwing back Bokuto's on the couch. "Have you told the others about this Bokuto?"

"No," he mumbled, swiping his phone that had just plopped onto the couch. "I'll text them now."

Wednesday 7:47 PM

who changed the gc name?

i did! it was Kenma's idea though

it's not the best but I didn't want to be too cruel I'm tired

stop bullying Kaede it's not funny
okay maybe just a little
but still...

god I haven't seen Bokuto like this before what the actual fuck

I don't know which Bokuto I prefer anymore

Bokuto hurry up and tell them before the food gets cold


why are you guys texting if you're in the same room?

i don't feel like using my voice

Everyone else was typing so I had to be apart of it

why are y'all texting I'm trying to make onigiri

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