Chapter 5

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This is now the moment where, at last, the Monster Antagonists are showing...

Jungkook POV

The moon was showing up overhead as the sun slowly but surely, sank below the horizon. Behind me is a big brick building that seemed to go higher than 256 blocks high.

"So this is the hotel we're staying in?" Jimin asked.

"Yup, "Namjoon said, "this is where we spend the night. Tommorrow, we have a camping matter."

"But wait, "Hoseok interrupted, "But what if someone needs us? Two month vacation is far-fetched to me."

"I know you wanted more practice, "Namjoon said, "But we need rest. Well, don't worry, because we can go back to work if something is in trouble."

"Can we get some foot spa?" Jin asked.

"Sure, "Namjoon said.

"Who will be my possible roommate?" Yoongi asked.

"This place is pure vintage, "Taehyung said quietly.

"Let's get inside shall we?" Namjoon said.


The hotel was a reflection of the hotel of 80's. The design was perfect, minuscule paintings are seen in every wall of the hotel, and a quartz table with some woman on it.

"So, "the receptionist said, "how many rooms?"

"Just 3 ma'am, "Namjoon said.

"Ok, "the receptionist now gave them cards, "Your rooms will be on room 213, 214, and 215 in the thirteenth floor."

"Um, ma'am, where's the foot spa?, "Jin said.

"In the same floor as your rooms sir, "the receptionist said.

"At last, "Yoongi said, "I can rest."

They went towards the elevator to the thirteenth floor. And upon entering, they were met with vintage hallways with cobblestone walls.

"Let's look for room 213, "Namjoon said.

The hallway was so short, in fact they found their rooms just two rooms ahead.

Upon entering their respective room? They saw vintage designing: brickwalls, curved cornices, a cabinet which looked like it was hundreds of year old, and a bed of literal cover of roses.

"Oh this place is cozy, "Yoongi said.

"Miss to sleep in this place, "Hoseok said.

"So, "Namjoon said, laying on the bed, "we have our respective rooms. So lets rest shall we."


Right now I'm in room 215 with Jimin. Taehyung and Jin were in room 214, and the rest were on room 215.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

I answered it.

"Hey guys!"

"Sergent Tyler?" I said.

"How's your vacation?" Tyler asked on the other side.

"It's okay, I'm staying in a hotel for one week, "I said.

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