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"n-no... I didn't do it"

"Im dizzy... I don't like the smell, please j-just go away. Im sorry"

Is what Hyunwoo heard from Kihyun's bedroom.

Hyunwoo was awaken by the sound of bed sheets ruffling and little cries coming from his roomate's bedroom.

Hyunwoo was half awake when he heard sounds, he thought he heard some rodents or other sounds coming from other dorm room. He ruffles his hair, rubbed his eyes and sat on his bed, wondering what's happening.

He got off his bed to check what's happening. He opens the wooden door on his room and revealed a dark hallway thats pointing to Kihyun's room.

As he walk out to his roomate's room, the sound became more and more louder than before. The painful cries thats coming off as unnerving for the college student. He roamed his room's hallway and was greeted by Kihyun's door.

It's just the same as Hyunwoo's and the others doors, dark Wood that is sturdy enough to be called a door. He opens the door and unravelled a pitiful scene.

It was Kihyun, curled up on his bed, bawling his eyes out and breathing heavily upon his ruffled bedding Lit by only a Tiny yellowish light from his little night lamp. 

Hyunwoo witnessed yet another scene where Kihyun is showing his vunarable self, which is not very usual for Kihyun and Hyunwoo. Kihyun always tries to hid himself and not try to exposed himself in one way or another to anyone, even his "closest" friends.

Although Kihyun, Hyunwoo and the others were good friends since the beginning of college years, Hyunwoo doesn't really know much of anything from Kihyun. All he knows is that; Kihyun doesn't like talking, he likes being sarcastic and he likes to change fragrants, just that, nothing more.

He quickly ran up to Kihyun's side of the bed and tries to shook him up in an attempt to wake up the other man.

It took Hyunwoo sometime, but eventually the tears stop flowing and his breathing is stable again.

"Kihyun! Kihyun! Are you okay? Wake up" Hyunwoo said while holding the crying man.

Kihyun's eyes started to open and he blinks for a second before realizing there's another person in his room.

Kihyun sat up and rubbed his face, feeling his tear stained cheeks from the tantrum he  just expirienced as he felt the bed sheet all mess up under him.

"Ki, are you okay?" Hyunwoo asked in worry about his friend, in response Kihyun only nodded and he waved his hand away like nothing happened but his body is still shaking furiously.

"Im fine, why'd you ask?" Kihyun answered with a breathy voice, clearly hiding the fact that he just got a night terror and waking up in a cold sweat.

"No its just-" Hyunwoo wanted to give a reason why until Kihyun just brushed him off by saying "i'm perfectly fine, maybe just a little nightmare, its okay. You can go now" telling Hyunwoo to go away from his bedroom. Kihyun clearly rushed his words.

Well, its Kihyun's bedroom and it's his personal space so Hyunwoo had nothing to do than comply to his orders and left Kihyun's bedroom.

As he got up from the cold tile of Kihyun's room he heard Kihyun hiding himself under the blanket of his Torn up bed hiding his stained face from Hyunwoo.

Hyunwoo sighs and stops at Kihyun's door, turns to Kihyun and proceeded to say this words, "well, if you need anything, you could always come to me."

That sentence made him hear more cries from under the blanket.

"Well that's certainly a good move from you Hyunwoo" Hyunwoo face palmed himself for making Kihyun cry more this time.

With that, Hyunwoo left Kihyun's room to continue sleeping in his room of course.


"W-wait!" Hyunwoo heard a small cracked voice.

"Can you uh- Can you please stay here? Until i sleep? I just need some company" Kihyun requested to Hyunwoo. He snuffled his nose after crying while playing with his fingers and looking down at the floor ashamed at what he had said.

Well, Hyunwoo couldn't possibly deny that request right? His friend needed company so he should do his best to keep his friend in a good mood.

So Hyunwoo stayed at Kihyun's room for the rest of the night just sitting on Kihyun's bed.
Occasionally, Kihyun Will snuggle closer to him and Hyunwoo became a flustered, blushing mess. He tried his best to play along and play with Kihyun's hair as eventually he tell asleep in a sleeping position.


"What's with the eyebags?" Wonho asked.

Yes, Hyunwoo does sleep in Kihyun's bedroom until sunrise when he suddenly is woken up by Kihyun preparing his stuff for the classes.

To his suprise, Kihyun refuses to remember what happened last night. When Hyunwoo asked him its just a jumble of unconsistent answers and Kihyun decided that he Will not talk about the incident ever again from this day. Hyunwoo is pretty okay with that and with that, Hyunwoo went to his room to prepare himself too.

"Uh, Kihyun just needed something for a project last night and he decided to ask me some questions but he suddenly blurted so many questions so i guess i kinda fell asleep in his room yesterday" Hyunwoo quickly answered wonho, he doesn't want to blurt out his and Kihyun's secret to the public, even to wonho. He respected his friends secret of course, like anybody else would.

"Oh thats so nice of you. I wish i could do something like that with Hyungwon, but he just sleeps until whenever he wanted to wake up." Wonho giggled, remembering Hyungwon sleeps like, 12 hours plus a day and wonho only getting maximum of 5 hours of sleep in his college years now.

"Its what's just friends do right?" Hyunwoo added. "You're always talking about him being your "friend" i bet you have something on him don't you?" Wonho slyly smirks at Hyunwoo.

Hyunwoo laughed and seems to blushed alittle bit on Wonho's words. Well, maybe someday his words might be right, but now is not really the right time to think about love.

Hyunwoo and Wonho talked and talked until they got to class they share the same as wonhee. Hyungwon is in another major, so they wont be seeing him as much.

When wonhee Saw them entering the auditorium room, she quickly waved her hand and called for their names.

"Seokki! Woo-ssi! Over here!" She called them.

Wonho is actually just a nickname for him and his friends to call him that. He has anither name "hoseok" which he dislikes if another person besides his family called him that.

"Oh wonhee-noona! Hello!"(I know its the honorifics for Korean people to call eachother, but why can't i just stop cringing im sorry//-j) Hyunwoo greeted.

"Come over, seat here!" Wonhee smiled to them, but something feels off, like she wanted to tell them something.

So they went to her, and as soon as they got closer, she pulled them close in just a minimal of centimeters space between them, she's really strong, besides her looking really soft and fragile, but she usually goes to the gym with Wonho and Hyunwoo often so that pull might be a little bit painful.

She takes a long deep breath and finally said "Do you know there's a murderer in this campus?"

Its really unsual for me to upload in this kind of speed, its maybe because i actually planned this showki series and write down sum important stuff instead of freestyling it? Yes. Yes iam.

So thank you so much for reading this. I think for now i will be focusing on this story more until i get a concrete idea for my other showki story ending.


Best regards
-author 💙

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