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Kihyun and Hyungwon strolled at the campus's halls, talking about something with Kihyun while giggling and laughing, not worrying about his surroundings. They're joking and making dry puns, Until he Saw all of the people on the hall, whispering unknown words onto eachother's ears, glaring at Kihyun and avoiding him as he got closer. Kihyun was confused, but he tried to brush it off. He's used to Minhyuk making rumours about him and he didn't want this to get into his head again.

As Kihyun walked up to his class with hyungwon, there he Saw him, the despicable blond haired guy that is responsible for almost every miserable thing happened on his college years.

Lee Minhyuk.

But suprisingly, he didn't initiated anything to Kihyun, yet. Minhyuk saw him but he continued to lean on the wall as he talk to his friend ignoring Kihyun's gaze as he talks his usual ways to his aqquintance.

Kihyun walked away cautiously while shrugging his shoulders, minimizing the space for him and making him and Minhyuk's space bigger to get away as far as possible from him.

Hyungwon noticed Kihyun's behaviour and switched places with him, so Minhyuk wouldn't be near him.

Suprisingly, as Wicked as Minhyuk is, he never really initiated any physical form of bullying towards anyone, really. But mental abuse has just the same bad effect as physical abuse does.

But, now Minhyuk glanced over at Kihyun and gave him a glare as he walked up to him and looked him directly at the eye.

"You what day is today, meet me at the usual place." He said sternly. Kihyun gulped and nodded at Minhyuk's order.

Meanwhile, Hyungwon on the other hand, is pissed by what Minhyuk had done to his friend, gripping his fist in anger, he asked.

"What's your problem asshole?" Hyungwon spits at Minhyuk, it caught his attention and Minhyuk looks slightly pissed but tried to hide it in.

"None of your bussiness, dickhead." Minhyuk retorted. It got hyungwon fueling with rage.

"It IS my bussiness. What's your problem with Kihyun? What wrong has he ever done to you? What could possibly make you hate him this much?" Hyungwon shouted at Minhyuk who was getting defensive.

"No, hyungwon, you don't need to do this-" Kihyun was cut off by Hyungwon trying to defend him. Who wouldnt? After all he has done to his beloved friend, he couldn't help to ask why he had done all of this to his friend.

Hyungwon asked multiple questions and was answered with Minhyuk asking him the question back.
Hyungwon proceeded to ask questions after questions calmly, words after words he spat at minhyuk. Minhyuk could feel his nails digging through his skin as his knuckles turns white, his face red because of the anger he felt and his body tense, ready to throw a punch. Until he can't take it anymore.

As he felt his arm swing out to Hyungwon's face, he couldn't hold his anger any longer.

A punch was heard across the hallway. Leaving Minhyuk's friend and Kihyun shocked, their faces pale and drained.

Hyungwon could feel his cheeks stinging as Sharp pain starting to seep in and leaving hyungwon flinching at the pain as he touches his cheeks to check the damage. He saw the red liquid dripping down from his face down to the floor, his vision blurred by the tears forming on his eyes. Turns out, his nose had been bleeding the whole time since Minhyuk punched him on the face.

Hyungwon looked at Minhyuk furiously as he throws a retaliation to Minhyuk's punch, landing another, harder blow to his opposer's face. Minhyuk didn't take that quite well and practically slam's Hyungwon to the ground. Sitting on top of him and pulled the collar of his shirt.

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