2 - Case A.G13

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Chapter 2. (Case A.G13)  

Mon, 6th, Jan 2031  
Kololo, Kampala, Uganda,  

A twenty-eight-year-old gentleman in a suit, with well-kept dreadlocks exited Hotel African. 

He glanced up and down the street. He started down the stairs, then straight for through the streets for another five-star hotel opposite Hotel African. 

He wore a dark round cap on his head and carried a back briefcase with the security symbol of the secret service pressed in the leather of the briefcase almost invisibly.

Halfway across the street, he glanced up at a certain window on the left wing of the Hotel La Grande. A beam from the rising sun hit the window he was looking at, and the glow reflected back into his eyes blinding his sight for a few seconds. He fixed his bow tie and started checking his wristwatch. It was 7:30 am.

"Breakfast time..." He muttered to himself, fixed his bow tie and continued crossing the street to the stairs leading up to La Grande's entrance.

The doors rotated. Once inside, a security guard stepped forwards to check him. A security guard stepped forward stopping him like all other clients.

He was motioning him to remove his cap and show it but the gentleman ignored it and instead presented his ID. It was a top security card!

The hotel's security officer took it, checked and handed it back.

The client's card had Odong Peter on showing the man worked for the Uganda secret service. Who knows if the man's business here was a top secret?

Normally, the security here limitedly checked or questioned such Government officers. In that case, the security guard hardly scanned Odong's briefcase when he waved him through.

Odong endeavoured to check his watch again as he approached the reception. He quickly showed the receptionist his card too which she scanned and handed back.

There was a security camera on the left. And as if he were conscious of it, he lifted his left hand and lowered his hat on the left side of the face seemingly avoiding being captured on footage.

Thereafter he headed further into the hotel. He came to the stairs leading to the hotel's kitchen located around the centre back of the hotel. Reaching there, he paused for a while as though to study the situation.

Nevertheless, he was right on time. In the kitchen, everyone, the chefs and waiters were all busy with something, going this and that way preparing hotel clients their order breakfasts.

Therefore, an arrangement of food trolleys labelled with room numbers and chefs were placing meals on them lined up in the long kitchen corridor waiting to be pushed away with varieties of food.

Well, since everyone was busy, no one ever noticed Odong, a strange man with a rounded black cap shadowing half his face from hallway lights and easy public view.

The kitchen bathroom wasn't far but just opposite the Kitchen entrance. The man checked his watch again and turned to enter the bathroom.

The next moment he exited, he wore like the chefs in the kitchen. He checked his watch again and it was 7:45 am. He walked through the ail to a certain trolley numbered Room C00321.

He pulled the trolley from its line and started out without any interference. A television above the three trolley lines turned to the news. He glanced up and saw the headlines.

'Good morning. I am Jasmine Kwagala as always here to bring you our latest news on your best television, the Uhuru Times...."

Odong Peter slowed down so slightly to be able to read the headlines.

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