5 - The simulation process

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Chapter 5 (The simulation process) 

Thurs, 9th Jan 2031
Interpol Headquarters. 

Brown Cooper sees the final codes at the far end of the room. They exhibited these codes on transparent overlapping glass screens making it possible to see those that lay behind.

Those that selected the codes had to scroll through thousands of arrangements, selecting the closest code combination and matching the results with the old man's memories. 

The struggle to find the two final codes was still on but there was no exact calculation for how long it would take to find the last two codes they needed to restart RAT. The codes were still on in the simulation and matching process.

"It has been about sixty-five years ever since Interpol took on this operation."

"I know these Washington..." brown cooper stated.

"You certainly got to recall because you worked as Interpol's very first RAT code weaver for about seven years." Washington reminded the old man who looked very fascinated by everything here.

"Legacy of the Cooper family..." Brown Cooper uttered to himself while getting closer to the screen with the first codes.

He retrieved thirty-three RAT codes before he got memory issues and went for medication.

Those that came after were given just one year each. Moreover, no one ever found more than three RAT codes until Dr Absalom took on the work last year in December.

"Indeed father... However today, we have seventy-five codes of a total of seventy-seven." Washington started. "And we are more than honoured to have you back Father.

It has been twenty years since you went hospitalized. On the other hand, the search operation went on smoothly and until someone else found out about RAT."

"The Japanese... Oh, yes. I knew they would... one day if the USA government did not act fast enough..." Brown Cooper spoke regrettably and thoughtfully. "But you shouldn't let them find it. That would place international security under threat. RAT is a monstrous weapon you must retrieve and exterminate son..."

"Exterminated...?" Washington repeated after his father but in a thoughtful manner. "Well. Well. We only can do so if we have all the codes to locate it... before our enemies can. However, we understand you are the original and last RAT code weaver we got to pull this off."

"I no longer want anything to do with your grandfather's programmes." Their father spoke while walking back from the transparent screens. "I want to go home. Could you please take me home Yayoi?"

"Father... the Japanese are in our final country of search and they are using a part of the seventy-seven codes to locate RAT a copy of our search technology to locate RAT and we have one chance left for us to retrieve RAT. And doctor Absalom has been working on this for the last thirteen months. When he said he needed assistance to bead the deadline, we agreed you were the best person we needed for the conclusion..."

"Please find someone else..."

"I could have found someone else... but time is what we do not have. The seventy-five codes have brought us closer than we have ever been before. RAT is in the central region of Uganda, a country ruled by the dictatorial military government whose president has restricted the USA Interpol's operations ever since you left... and yet sixteen years ago, President Salim Savimbi unreasonably signed a multimillion-dollar agreement with an exceptionally wealthy Japanese arms dealer Akiyama Goto."

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