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"Yes Sir. He was the engineer behind CAT as well... and the seventeen-year-old teenager here on the right is your father Brown Cooper. However, we don't understand if he just fluked the photo for show Bizz or was invited for having contributed in some way... what we know is he was great mathematician like his father..." 

"Oh yeah. He still is..." Washington replies and Mr Weiss went on.
"RAT was made of very unique indestructible metal which source your grandfather never ever revealed. And to locate the lost aircraft required a combination of programming codes one third of which we haven't found and are still trying out." The Secretary of defence said moving to a different screen.

"With all the codes we believe we could restart and retrieve RAT. However, the codes aren't enough to show us where exactly the plane crushed. Cooper Rowlands build the CAT satellite with the assistance the weapon's very coding technology capable of relating and detecting radiation given off by that unique material he used when building RAT."

"However Rowlands died when his house caught fire in 1955 before we could launch the CAT satellite. His death was a terrible set back because he alone knew the full combination of codes required to locate RAT. It could not have taken this long the storm did not carry fragments of the plane material to different parts of the East African region. Nevertheless, with the assistance of several professional code masters over the past few years, we have cracked approximately eighty nine percent of Rowlands codes. And this has brought us closer to our target."

"However in 2014, we learned that we were a bit late." Mr Weiss spoke returning to the centre of the VIP seats. "Not too late that someone else had found the weapon before we could; only the Japanese might have found out about it. Lieutenant Washington Cooper was our source of this discovery and I will let him..." Mr Weiss explained while stepping aside and motioning to Lieutenant Washington Cooper to speak.

Washington cooper was already up before even the US Secretary of defence could motion to him. He cleared his throat as Mr Weiss took his seat glancing at Dr Absalom.

"Thank you Sir."

The secretary nodded and leaned back.

"On the 6th of October 1992, the USA government initiated a physical regional search for RAT using the US Interpol. Our search was accepted by the different ruling governments throughout the East African region except for the Ugandan government, which restricted us from running any searches in the country until this day. Why the refusal...?" He concluded and took the remote from his table.

He switched on a different screen and started again.

"In 2014, I was sent to Kenya with RAT-14, the 14th Interpol search team to east African when I heard the president of Uganda was in Kenya for the final signing of the Union of the region to become one country." Lieutenant Washington Cooper went on.

"I requested the secretary of defence for permission to demand for an audience with the president of Uganda. I needed to know how we could straighten our differences to be able to search his country... and this audience I was granted. We met nine miles inside the Masai hilly plains. However, what was discussed took us nowhere because that night, our camp was ambushed by some unknown Japanese extremists..." Mr Washington narrated taking a seep at his water before he could continue.


Mon 6th, Jan 2031.
Uganda, Kampala. Santana Monastery.

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