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Hello everyone this is what I've been working on this takes place after the events of the latest episode so and I hope you like and if you haven't seen the show I highly recommend you do that it is called the owl house so without further ado here it is and thanks for reading enjoy 😊

N:the sun rises over the isles awakening it's creatures.they get ready for there Jobs and school to go on with there day nothing is out of the ordinary except for one creature and her name is amity blight

Amity:okay today is the day I can fell it today is the day I finally tell luz how I feel.

N:amity then got her bag and ran down stairs.

Miss blight:amity don't you look lovely.

Amity:aw thanks mom.

Miss blight:so today's the big day

Amity:I'm a little nervously.

Miss blight that's okay you can do you are a blight after all you be good and here's your lunch and have a great day at school my darling.

Amity:I will bye mom bye dad.

Mister:blight bye snowflake have a great day and be afraid to tell that girl your feelings.


N:amity then started to walk to school and that's when she seen willow and Gus she ran up to them and joined them on there walk to school.

Amity:hey guys.

Willow:hi amity.

Gus:hello amity.

Amity:so have you guys seen luz.

Willow:not today no but she probably already at school with that personal driver of hers

Amity:right well it's just I had to tell her something.

Gus:well go tell her yourself she right over there.

N:the three young witch's made it to hex side amity then laid eyes on the one she wanted to talk to and ran up to her.

Luz:hi amity what's up.

N:amity started to blush and get nervous

Amity:hey there she is my bff how you doing cause I'm doing great all the time never felling bad at all...I'm just going to shut up

Luz:I'm doing good.

Amity:well I acutely have something to tell you well what is it?

Luz:well what is amity.


N:luz put her hang on her shoulder

Luz:hey you can tell me anything.

Amity:do you want to...go my birthday party.

Luz:I didn't know it was your birthday day soon of course I will come what time.

Amity:this Friday after school.

Luz:cool I will definitely be there.

Amity:yeah so do you want to go dress shopping with me Thursday for the party?


N:There other friends came up behind them


Gus:can we tag along.

Amity:of course the more the merrier.

N:they bell then rung.

Luz:oh shoot we need to hurry to potions bye amity see you tomorrow.

N:luz willow and Gus ran off.

Amity:bye I love you.

Luz:what was that I didn't hear you?

N:Amity got all sweaty and nervous again.

Amity:nothing I have to head to my class any way so I got go.

N:amity and luz then ran of to there separate classes throughout the day amity would see her and flash her a smile.when th day was over she went home.

Miss blight:so

Mister blight:did you do it?

Amity:no I invited her to my birthday party instead.

Miss blight:well that all right you were going to invite her any way.

N:amity grew a sad look upon her face and started to walk up to her room.

Amity:yeah but I wanted to go as a couple.I have homework oh and we're going dress shopping tomorrow.

Mister blight:we will call you down when dinners done.

Amity:okay thanks dad.

N:finished her day sulking but as she drifted off to sleep she new that before the beginning of next week she will have a girlfriend.

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