Gobble goblin

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N:this day was like any other amity got up got dressed and was ready for school and ran downstairs.

Amity:hey dad hi mom.

Miss blight:oh honey are you still upset about not asking that girl out.

Amity:a little bit.

Mister blight:snowflake there will be other times and since your having a party here it will be the most perfect place to tell her.

Amity:yeah I guess your right but know I not so sure every time I see her I get paralyzed and I can even get a sentence out.

Miss blight:honey you need to have more confidence in your self ok.you can tell that girl how you fell you just need to be brave.

Amity:yeah i am pretty brave.

Mister:that the spirt now you better get going or your going to be late for school.

Miss blight:here take these invitations I made and give them to your friends ok.

N:miss blight gives amity the invitations

Mister:and tomorrow me and your mom will setup your party and be out of your hair for the night ok.

Amity:alright bye mom and dad

Mom and dad:bye sweetie.

N:amity got to school and started to pass out her invitations to all her friends except for one.she went to her friends class but some one was upset that they didn't get an invitation.

Boscha:like anyone would go to her party anyway.

Cleo:look I got an invite to amity party.

Sydney:me to her party is going to be awesome

Basha:you two aren't actually going are you.

Cleo:yeah we are.

Boscha:but what about our sleep over this week end.

Sydney:a birthday only happens every year we will come over another time ok.

Cleo:ooo shoot come on Sydney we're going to be late.

N:the two girls rushed it to class.

Boscha:so she thinks she can ruin me party well then I guess I'm just going to have to ruin hers.

N:boscha started to do an evil laugh know back to amity.she approached her friend.

Amity:hey luz.

Luz:hey amity what's that?

Amity:I um...I wanted to formally invite you to my party.

Luz:oh thanks I was worried you forgot me or something with all the invites everyone else got.

Amity:I could never forget you luz.

N:amity had realized what she just said and got nervous and stared to blush.

Amity:because your just so you know you...I got go before I faint.

N:amity walked to the door.

Luz:ok I sill you for dress shopping tomorrow.

Amity:yeah don't date.i mean don't be late!yeah that's what I meant.

N:amity then left the classroom and returned to her schedule but someone else left there schedule they even left school.

Boscha:I'll show you blight.

N:boscha went down to the market to purchase a creatures that would destroy amity party when she noticed the very thing she was looking for she ran up to the stand and said.

Boscha:how much do you what for the gobble goblin?

Mystery man:oh it's free I'm just cleaning out my closet.

Boscha:for free what kind of sales men are you.

N:boscha walked away with what she wanted and flew back to school with her wing boots and no one even noticed she was gone.

Mystery man:jokes on you kid the goblin doesn't just consume food it well ill wait for you to figure it out.

N:the man chilled evilly

Mystery man:dan-get Harold your talking to your self again.

N:the school day went bye fast after that every on went home amity was very proud of herself for giving luz her invitation.she had luz on her mind for the rest of the day and the night

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