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N:amity was there own the ground sad and forgotten untill two of her friends came to her aid.

Willow:amity what wrong why are crying.

Amity:luz left she dosent want to be with me.

Gus:be with you?

Amity:I like her gus and she didn't like me back so she left know I've lost my best friend.

Willow:you still got to of the greatest friends on the boiling iles.

Gus:yeah us why don't you forget about this for know and come back inside its still your birthday after all.

N:amity stopped crying.


Willow:here let me help you up.

N:willow and Gus helped the girl into the house and she had a great party but she knew that it whould have been a better party if she was there.the guest stared to leave and she carried her self to bed and cried her self to sleep.the sun rose over the boiling lies once more her siblings came home to greet her they walked up to her door amd burst in.

Emara:her mittens were home.

Amity:go away.

Edrick:what's wrong sis.

Amity:oh I dont know mabey I'm upset because my crush rejected me!

Emara:oh mits I'm sorry.

Amity:it's not your fault.

Edrick:is there anything we can do to help you know like getting you a drink or a tissue or breaking into Liz house and smother her while she sleeps.

Amity:no just wait what you think I want you to kill her.

Edrick:get you never know.

Emara:and we will support you no matter what.

Amity:just get out.

Edrick:alright jest take know if you need anything.

N:the twins then left the room and went downstairs to face there parents.

Miss b:so what did she say.

Emara:she didn't like her.

Mister b:oh well we must help amity move past this its our job as her famity to help her this is the first time she has had her heart broken she need is.

Edrick:yes but I just dont understand Liz adores amity.

Miss b:know we camt force the girl but who knows mabey she will change her mind.

N:luz is not fairing any better her and her family any better at the dinner table.

Eda:Hey I'm Liz are you okay you havent said a word all moring.

Luz:no I broke my friend heart.

King:haa cough up.

Eda:dang it.

N:eds handed king five dollers.

King:so how did she take it.

Luz:preety bad.

Eda:come in kid what's up with you I thought you liked her.

Luz:I do I just don't want to get to attached I'm leaving and I dont want to have choose between worlds amity nice and cute but I dont want to hurt her.

King:well I'm not going To force you but I thing your making a mistake but if you need airport in free to cuddle.

Luz:thanks king.

N:tge demon then went to his room

Eda:mabey you should try taking to her.

Luz:she probably dosent want talk to me.

Eds:okay alright just stay safe amd let me know if you need me.

Luz:I will.

Eda:well I'm of to con some peopel be good.


N:the owl lady then left the house.

Eda:poor kid.

N:and just like that both of these love suck teens are all alone.



 💜The Lumity love story💗Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ