Chapter Ninety-Six

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Chapter Ninety-Six


The last 24 hours have been a whirlwind of emotions and events. Dani introduced me to Beth; a part of her life that she's never even mentioned before. We found the alley she started in and that will give us a starting point for a search. And we're going to look at a house. This all points to progress. I know she's on a heavy amount of drugs, but I like to think it's a little bit because of me. I know she cares about me and I'd even go as far to say she loves me. Dani doesn't need to say the words for me to know. I understand her hesitation in saying those words.

As we step onto our floor at work, Ash and the Cap are standing outside the locker room. Dani scurries to her desk as the 2 guys turn to look at me.

Ash smirks, looks at his watch and asks, “What time to do you call this?”

I smile sweetly and reply, “Time that you shut your face...”

He chuckles and the Cap rolls his eyes at the pair of us. “Seriously you two? Will you ever really grow up?”

Ash jokes, “Probably not, Cap. Your life wouldn't be the same if we did.”

“It would certainly be much quieter if you did, Ash.”

“I wouldn't count on that, sir.”

Ash chuckles and slaps my back before he wanders off to the team. The Cap tells me to follow him to his office, so I silently obey. I know he wants information and I'm obliged to give it to him. I'm not stupid enough to think I can find and take these guys out by myself. I'd get killed doing that and even if I didn't, nothing would stand up in court. Of course I'd like to kill them myself, but I know that's not a realistic outcome. I need to do my job properly and make sure they get the heaviest penalty possible.

“You want to enlighten me as to what case you were following up on this morning, Ramirez?”


He raises his eyebrows, but he doesn't look particularly shocked. More surprised that she's remembered something.

“So? Any new leads?”

“Yes sir. We found the alley where they left her.”

I don't want to say where they dumped her, but in all honesty, that's what they did.

“That's great, Eli. You want me to call it in?”

I nod. There's no way they'll let me lead this investigation, at least not at this stage. If I really push it then I'm sure they'll let me lead a raid. They can't argue with my team's statistics.

“I'll give Captain Greggson a call now. Eli?”

“Yes Cap?”

“I had ADA Flynn in here this morning.”

“Really? How come?”

“She wanted to run through the case with me. It seems that Avilov, Goraya and Zhabin aren't talking. They must be too scared of the Bratva to say anything. They're taking a plea for what she can make stick because they know they won't get out of that.”

“What can she make stick?”

“Attempted murder in the first degree and rape in the first degree.”

“Is that it? It hardly seems enough.”

“It'll be life without parole for at least 15 years. That's something at least.”

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