Chapter 24

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I will keep typing and typing and typing but our Wi-Fi signal provider sucks. I can't upload so now I don't know when this chapters will be uploaded. This sucks. Just remember. I'm not the one to blame that I can't upload. It's the provider not giving us what we paid for.

Date typing :August 6, 2020

Late that night, Alice catched her dead tired husband as soon as she opened the door. Something zoomed pass them and she realized it was Felix who ran his wife to whine about being so tired.

"What happened?" She fixed the groaning Ylsen in her arms and asked Zen and Berry that just entered. Berry shrugged.

"There was an argument earlier about the plan. Just little do things that because they are men, they tend to make it big. Zen would've gotten in too if I didn't just smack him straight to the face." Berry is in a bad mood.

Zen just chuckled but a red hand print is evident to his face. Alice secretly winced and just nodded.

She dragged her husband to their room. Thankfully he is cooperative and walked on his own while hugging her. She dropped him to the bed and prepared a warm towel bath for him.

She took of all his clothes and shoes until he is naked and washed his body. He is groaning and sighing in relief. Though his big buddy is getting all flag pole and stiff. She just laughed at him.

"So. Care to share what happened today?" She asks him softly.

"Mmm. It's dead tiring when an elder elf with self-righteous old coot and a retired meat head highland orc appear at the same time. There is still in need of tons of alliance but I think they will kill each other first before going to war half dead. Then new problems arised and we still don't know when and where they will strike." He mumbled like a kid whining to his parent about how bad his day is.

"That sounds bad."

"Yes it is. Plus, there have been urgent intels from the inside."

That got her attention. "Remember they have wild ones? They also have shadows now. They raided one of the hide outs but thank Goddess they got out of there before it happened."

Alice gasped. Wild ones are creatures that lost their minds after they lost their soulmates.

And shadow... are fallen angels that lost their love and gone crazy. They look like black clothe with white eyes that floats and and can sink into shadows. One thing about them. They souls from those they pass through. They are myths and even the oldest creature that ever lived today never got to see it once in thier life before. They are just recorded in the ancient books all over the world responsible for wiping out several civilizations until the Gods stopped them for good.

"But how did they have shadows?! They are supposed to be extinct by now. The Gods disintegrated them ages ago."

"We still have no sure answer. But the intel said it might be human hunter's experiment. Not the real thing but still a threat." Alice look at his face and he look like he aged because of stress.

She put his boxer briefs on him. She climed on the bed and covered them with the sheets and cuddled his head to her chest. He immediately wrapped his arms to her tummy and tangled their legs and crushed their bodies the closest as possible.

He really love hearing her heart beating. He can feel tingles as she caress his hair lovingly. Her scent and warmth are calming him. SHE is calming his restless nerves.

At times like this, silence really is the better cure than words.

Alice remembered something. "I met Marga earlier at the mall."

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