The man behind the slaughter

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I was walking in the crowd when a kid approached me yelling that he wanted more pizza. "Kid, I can't get you more unless your supervisor says so." I said. He got mad and punched me in the gut throwing a tantrum. I groaned in pain bending over. "Shit..." I cursed under my breath. "L-Listen..kid," I started trying to stand up straight. "You really should be more nice." I said. "Your not the boss of me!" The kid yelled hitting me again but not in the stomach. He licked me where it hurts. I groaned falling to my knees. "Now get me Pizza!" He ordered. I was still on the floor. I groaned and tried standing up. I stood up with trouble. "I need your guardian over her-" I went to say then I looked at the kids face. His face held horror. I looked down to see the bandages covered in blood. "Let's go get some pizza!" I said nervously. I quickly buttoned/zipped up my jacket uniform and put my arm around the kid. The boy smiled and ran to the counter. I had to pay for his pizza. I sighed as the kid ran with his pizza. I looked at my wallet and sighed sadly. I walked a few steps and I was close to the stage. A kid approached me. This one was a little red headed girl. "Umm mister can I tell you something?" She asked. "Sure what is it? I'm Y/N." I said. "Well Mr. Y/N this man is trying to get me and my friends to go into the back room and we can't get him to go away..." she said. "What?!" I said. "Don't worry kid I'll protect you and your friends!" I said with a smile. When the kid turned around my smile disappeared and I guarantee I looked pissed.

3rd person POV

The Animatronics that were on the stage heard and they were pissed as well. They wanted to do something so they played it cool and got off the stage pretending to wander and say hi to the kids. They were following Y/N and the little girl. The little girl pointed towards a room making painful memories flood into the animatronics. It was the same room they were killed. Y/N turned towards the little girl. "You stay here, ok?" Y/N asked the little girl. The girl nodded. He turned to the door and quickly opened it. The ran inside but after a few second of him inside the smell of blood flooded the air. The animatronics rushes to the door looking inside to see.

 The animatronics rushes to the door looking inside to see

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Y/N was cut on the arm and the kids unharmed. "Well well look who we have here. The kid that got away~" William Afton said. Y/N looked up at him confused. "Years ago I almost killed you along with those friends of yours. But your older brother pulled you away." William said. "I ended up killing your friends and your brother. You ran crying as I chased you. When you out of the pizzeria you got hit by a bike." William said. "L-Leave them a-alone!" Y/N yelled. "No need to yell." William said getting closer to Y/N. "Back up!" He yelled but William didn't stop. Tears gathered into Y/N's eyes. "Leave the kids alone!" Y/N yelled. "I will if you come to me." William said. Y/N's eyes widened. Y/N looked down. The animatronics eyes widened when Y/N stepped towards William. "Good." William said. The animatronics bust in through the door and ran at William. William looked at the animatronics and smirked. Y/N ran to the kids. "Let's go!" Y/N yelled as the kids got up and started to run out the room. "Find your guardian-" Y/N went to say til he felt something go to his throat. It was sharp. Y/N's breath hitched. Y/N got forcefully turned around. He saw the animatronics frozen. "Turn human or I kill him." William said calmly. The animatronics turned human.

I'll end here so that I can make the next chapter pictures.

Lunar out~

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