Flashback pt 1

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"Bakugou c'mon give me chance, y'know I like you!" The red head exclaimed, trailing closely behind the ill tempered boy.

Kirishima had a contagious wide spread smile plastered on his face as they walked away from the school and towards their dorm, the beautiful orange and yellow tones complimenting Bakugou's nice features, which made Kirishima's heart beat louder and the blush in his cheeks more noticeable. 

"I've liked you for so long now, how come you can't accept that, you idiot?" Kirishima muttered softly. 

Kirishima had liked Bakugou for months and had made that very obvious. Of course, he never had shame in it, he knew he preferred boys over girls from his days in middle school.

Although now that he was in high school,  he had broken out of his shell and befriended a boy that made him so happy and his pure heart soar. He had been crushing on Bakugou, bad.

There was always one thing in the way, though. 

Bakugou Katsuki didn't like him back...

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