Yeah, right

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When the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch once more, Bakugou quickly ran from his spot on the floor and booked it all the way to class, hoping that neither Kirishima or the third year had spotted him casually eavesdropping. He knew that he should bring it up, but in all honesty, he didn't know what was going on with Kirishima. His closest friend wasn't being all annoying or telling him his shit anymore. Bakugou knew he fucked up when he rejected him but it was in Kirishima's own words where he specifically said, "You're my friend, that's all you'll ever be from now on," and, "I don't like you anymore." For Christ's sake, if anything Shitty Hair had a girlfriend. 

A girlfriend he didn't tell you about, though. 

Bakugou shook his head as he made his way to his assigned seat, pulling his notes out of his bag, he kept his eyes facing the wall to the left of him, in hopes of not making eye contact with  Kirishima when the idiot walked in. 


The rest of school seemed to be over in a flash with English, Math, and Art History being over so quickly. When the bell rang, Bakugou was the first one out of his seat, basically pushing Deku and Uraraka out of his way while they chatted about some hero training bullshit. 

"Move it extras." He huffed. 

"Bakugou that's not very nice." He heard Uraraka usher, trying to balance herself from almost falling over. 

God are you so fucking annoying, how clueless are you pink cheeks, he's dating that half and half bastard. Stop trying to get in his pants. 

Bakugou was upset, as usual, and made little attempts to excuse himself as he pushed those who were walking in the hallways, trying to return to their dorms. The damn extras were  walking too slow for Bakugou's taste and all he wanted to do was get the fuck out of there. 

He had finally made it past the entrance of the school when he heard Kirishima call from afar. 

"Yo, Bakugou wait for me."

Tch, all of a sudden huh. Bakugou turned his head, slightly catching the big cheesy smile that he hadn't seen plastered on that bastard's face since they fought. He wasn't this happy before, except yesterday in the bathroom, hmm

Bakugou pretended to ignore him after catching a glimpse and kept walking towards the dorms, the soft sunset hues beginning to fade away as the time lapsed. 

"Oh c'mon man, is this about lunch? I didn't mean to leave you, it was cause I had to something with Sakura."

First name bases? Damn idiot, you're going into this way too fast. 

"S' not like I care, didn't ask. Wasn't going to either." Bakugou responded dryly. 

"Er- okay sure then, I guess." Kirishima stood next to him, unbothered by the fairly large distance between them. If it had been a week ago, he would have had his arm wrapped around Bakugou's shoulder, telling him something awfully romantic. 

"So, she your girlfriend?" Bakugou asked, seemingly looking unfazed. Damn curiosity getting the best of me, shut up. 

"Oh- Um, jeez, no not really. Well- no. She's not. She is not my girlfriend at all." Kirishima's face was filled with impending embarrassment. His face flushed at the question Bakugou had asked  so casually.

"Uh huh. Sure." His tone sounded rather, uncharismatic. 

Is he jealous? No, no way, stop Kirishima. He's just curious that's all. 

The two boys finally reached the steps of the 1A Alliance building. Kirishima opened the door for Bakugou, who let a quiet "thanks" slip out. No one else from their class was there yet so the room was big and empty. 

"You hungry?" Kirishima asked the blonde boy, hoping this would give them a chance to hang out. A chance where Kirishima no longer felt miserable for being with the boy he'd been so helplessly in love with. 

"No. I'm going to my room, don't follow me unless you wanna get your face blown off." Bakugou muttered as he flung his school bag over his shoulder, giving Kirishima the finger. I need to figure out what's going on with you.

Never turning back, the red head watched as his best friend pushed the button to the elevator, shortly disappearing into the sliding metal doors. 

Kirishima was feeling a lot of things at that moment, but at least it wasn't heartbreak.


A/N Omg this chapter was almost 1.8k words long but I decided to split it in half since it's been so long since I last updated, I felt bad. 

As you can see, Bakugou is low-key having an epiphany about how badly he treated his best friend, does that mean he's gonna start developing feelings? Maybe, maybe not. Why else would this be so angsty. Anyways don't hate me... also listen to that song ^ it doesn't really go with the scenery and tone but it inspired me a lot to write it, so yea 

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