Hind Sight

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Kirishima was a heavy sleeper but the sound of three quiet knocks on his door was enough to startle him awake.

His eyes fluttered open, one thought entering his mind.

Could it be Bakugou?

That single thought ran rapidly in his head as he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

If it was Bakugou, what would he want? What would make him wake up in the middle of the night to talk to Kirishima? Which Kirishima didn't mind since he desperately wanted to talk to his best friend. Especially after Bakugou pushed him away earlier that afternoon.

Kirishima held in his breath, the stillness in the room becoming a bit tense.

There had been times in the first few months when Bakugou was still mentally recovering from Kamino that he would come knocking on the door when the nightmares became too much for him to bear, always having a futon with him when Kirishima opened the door.

But it was those nights where Kirishima would fall deeper in love with Bakugou, because it was those moments where Bakugou was the most vulnerable, where Bakugou let Kirishima truly see who he was. It was those nights that had Kirishima longing to hold him close, to make him feel safe in his arms and he thought Bakugou would want the same.

But he was wrong.

Although the memories should have struck him with the sharp pain of heartache, it didn't. Thus reminding Kirishima of his new ability, which he was thankful for.

He's probably having another nightmare. Just gotta help my friend out.

The thought of the word friend felt bittersweet in Kirishima's mind. It ran in his head, repeating itself, each time sounding less and less familiar, it startled him. It was true, that's what they were, after all.

He shouldn't be upset, he should just be glad that he could still have that title, after all that's happened.

Kirishima placed both his hands to his side, pushing himself upright, he extended his arm to reach for the phone on his dresser but had no luck in the dark. Eventually giving in and turning on his small lamp that resided next to his bed. Hitting the switch, it took him a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the light.

He found his phone much farther from his dresser, explaining why he couldn't find it while it was still dark in the room. He reached over, reading the time

12:57 a.m

Pulling down the notifications tab he saw the 13 messages Kaminari had sent him.

Kaminari : Hey are you ok? 12:21 a.m

Kaminari: You were crying. 12:29 a.m

Kaminari: Why were you crying? 12:29 a.m

Kaminari: Kirishima, there's no way you feel asleep in the last 3 minutes it took you to get to your room? Answer me. 12:37 a.m

Kaminari: Once I'm finished with this homework I'm coming up, I don't care if you're sleeping. 12:44 a.m

So maybe it wasn't Bakugou who was knocking at his door.

Scrolling through the rest, Kirishima could tell when Kaminari would take breaks between each message. Each text riddled with a concern for Kirishima.

Kaminari was announcing that he would be on his way up soon. Or that he was already there.

So Kaminari had noticed the tears that fell from his eyes. He had seen Kirishima crying and now there was no way he could cover it up with a lie.

He was so screwed.

Kaminari wasn't necessarily the brightest, but he knew his shit when it came to his friends, he may not be book smart, but he was smart enough to realize there was something Kirishima wasn't telling him or anyone else in the friend group.

Kirishima knew that that was the reason he was knocking on the door at 1 in the morning.

He took a deep breath and then another, and then one more, preparing himself for whatever Kaminari was going to throw at him. He didn't want to have this conversation, he didn't wanna talk at all. He was thinking that he would rather be back in bed, sleeping, like a normal teenager would do when they knew they had school the next day.

But for some reason, there was nothing stopping Kirishima from dragging his feet over to the door.

I don't wanna talk about this right now..

Swinging the door open, he saw Kaminari standing there, a concerned look plastered across his face. Kirishima tried his best to let out a fake yawn and rubbed his eyes, hoping Kaminari would take the hint.

"Hey man. Whatcha doing up this late? Shouldn't you be heading up to bed." Was the closest way Kirishima could think of telling Kaminari to get lost without exactly saying "get lost".

"We have school in the mor-,"

Before Kirishima could spit out the rest of his sentence, Kaminari somehow slithered his way past Kirishima's arm that had been placed on the doorframe, his other hand holding the knob.

Kaminari plopped himself dead center on Kirishima's bed,

"Kaminari, c'mon man. We can talk tomorrow-"

"You were crying,"

Kaminari looked at the wall that separated the boys' rooms, remembering that Bakugou was on the other side, he knew he needed to keep quiet, who knew what horrible things Bakugou would do if he woke up to the sound of Kaminari talking to Kirishima this late at night. But his mind wandered to those days where the two friends weren't on speaking terms.

"Is it because of Bakugou?" Kaminari said, flatly.

"Bakugou? What, no."

He paid attention to how Kirishima's breath became hitched, his expression changed.

"Kirishima, you're a terrible liar."

After a few seconds, Kirishima let out a slight chuckle, shaking his head.

"I'm being for real, it's not because of him, it's because of something else," Kirishima whispered closing the door behind, praying that no one else could hear their conversation, especially Bakugou of all people, "But Kaminari, seriously man, I'm tired. C'mon, get up or move over."

"If it's not about Bakugou then why are you crying?"

He froze in his tracks.

"I'm not crying.."

"Yea, dude, you are." Kaminari's face held the same expression he had when he walked into the room.


Reaching up to his face, Kirishima's eyes widened when he saw his fingers stained with tears, his cheeks and hands wet. This was the second time, it was still new. He had no way of knowing when it would happen.

But at that moment it did, right in front of Kaminari.


sorry, i've been so busy with school that it's hard to keep a constant posting schedule, but I should be able to during winter break :)

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