the worst way

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Kirishima looked up in horror.

"It's not what you think, I swear." Kirishima reached up to wipe away the ongoing tears, but much to his luck, it looked like they weren't going to stop anytime soon.

Kaminari immediately got up and grabbed a box of tissues that had been conveniently placed on Kirishima's desk. He grabbed it and extended his hand towards the red head.

It had been a few minutes and Kirishima couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at the notable silence that filled the air. Kaminari had just watched him, obviously not wanting to push his boundaries and bombard Kirishima with questions.. at least until he stopped crying.

Kirishima felt like it was time to owe Kaminari an explanation, though, and it was already so late, but it was obvious he wasn't leaving without one.

Wiping away the last of the tears, Kirishima sat himself on his bed, pulling his knees up to his chest as Kaminari followed quietly next to him.

"So, it was Bakugou." He muttered, turning to look towards Kirishima.

Kirishima took a deep breath, sinking his head lower into his knees.

"Yes. But you have to promise not to tell anyone, Kaminari," Kirishima looked at his best friend, a pleading look strewn across his face, "especially not Bakugou."

Kaminari turned his body so it was full on facing Kirishima's. His hand reaching over to brush the red strands of hair that were covering Kirishima's field of vision. He was always there for others, always lifting their spirits and whatnot, but sometimes, Kirishima forgot to take care of himself, and that's what made Kaminari feel worse that he didn't catch up on this any sooner.

"I promise not to tell a living soul, but bro, you have to tell me what happened."

Kirishima looked away, gently removing Kaminari's hand that was still placed on the thin strings of red hair. He was no longer facing Kaminari. Quite frankly, he was embarrassed.

"Well you know how I felt about Bakugou for a while now, right?"

"Yea dude, it was so obvious." Kaminari said, placing his hand back to his lap.

"I confessed. But for real this time-,"

"Did that punk reject you? Is that why you haven't been yourself? See, I knew something was up but Sero told me not to worry about it.. Son-of-a-bitch, he's gonna get it-." Kaminari interrupted, quickly getting up to his feet. Making Kirishima glance up and extend a hand toward Kaminari, grabbing his wrist before he can go any further

Kaminari looked back, the expression he wore was one Kirishima didn't really see. But altogether, he knew he had to stop his best friend.

So he unfolded his legs, ditching the grasp from Kaminari's wrist he reached up to place his hands on Kaminari's mouth. Mostly to stop him from protesting. It was still late and he didn't want Bakugou or even worse, Aizawa, waking up to check on them.

"Dude, let me finish before you go waking up the whole building." Kirishima whispered- shouted.

Kaminari was hesitant, but eventually sat back down, the look in his eyes still crowded with rage. He was not happy.

Kirishima took another breath before continuing, "Yea, he did reject me. And it hurt, it hurt so much Kaminari and I didn't know what to do. I wanted to tell you guys, but I couldn't. I cried those few days after, it wasn't very manly but I just couldn't deal with it. I was so sure he at least liked me a little..

And a few days after Bakugou didn't talk to me because I was pretty sure he hated me and then I heard from Amajiki about this girl who had this reversible love quirk so I went to her and she basically gave me the power to stop feeling so heart broken. And the pain went away, but one of the side effects is crying, which has begun every so often, and that sucks. I hoped in getting rid of my feelings for Bakugou, that we could go back to the way things were, because I can't lose him Kaminari. He's still my best friend above everything else. And I know he's a jerk but I care about him. I just- I just wanted to keep it a secret from you and the others because it's more embarrassing than anything else, which is why I kept pretending everything was fine and avoided it all together, turned out I failed at that to, huh..."

Kirishima choked on the lump that had begun to form in his throat. Now the tears falling from his eyes weren't those of the quirk, but of his own.

He looked up to meet Kaminari's eyes and felt his stomach drop when he saw the expression on his friend's face. It was a different one from the look he displayed before. It was something he'd never seen on Kaminari.

A split second later, Kirishima looked back down on the hands laying on his lap when he suddenly felt warm arms wrap around him securely and Kaminari's hand guiding his head to fit comfortably in the nook of his best friends shoulder.

What felt like hours, he realized that Kaminari's black t-shirt was now soaked in his tears.

"I'm so sorry you went through that alone. Why didn't you say anything, you dummy. Mina and I have been worried sick about you. You know you shouldn't have gone through a heartbreak alone."

Kirishima couldn't help but take in a deep breathe and push his head away from Kaminari, creating some space so they could see eye to eye again.

"I'm sorry." He said, grabbing the tissue that he used earlier to wipe the tears that had fallen once again.

"Hey it's okay. What's done is done. Why don't you explain the rest and we can have a little sleepover." Kaminari offered, pushing himself off the bed and extending his arm towards Kirishima.

"K-Kaminari, but it's a school night."

"We'll worry about it later, plus it wouldn't be the first time." He smiled, picking up Kirishima's soft red blanket from the bed and threw it over his shoulder.

He's right, I need a distraction anyway. Kirishima thought.

But when Kaminari began grabbing his pillow and school backpack, Kirishima sent him a confused look.

"We're going to mine room tonight. C'mon."

And with that, the boys left the dorm as quietly as they could, hoping no one else would hear.


Bakugou awoke to the sound of a door closing and a few very hushed whispers that night. 


A/N ah, sorry for the month long break 

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