Flashback pt 2

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Bakugou froze in place, his lips beginning to form a familiar irritated scowl.

He turned towards Kirishima, his crimson eyes burning a look that could kill.

Bakugou had enough, he was tired of his best friend acting like he was the most amazing person in the world. He couldn't stand it. He didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve Kirishima. Bakugou knew that and he knew Kirishima liked him, he had been reminded time and time again but he didn't care for romance or relationships, he hated it. His primary goal in life was to be number 1 hero, not some lovesick puppy.

No matter how many times he rejected Kirishima he was still his friend but now it was starting to piss him off that he didn't leave it alone. He had to reject him differently this time.He had to tell him in a way that would probably get Kirishima to hate him for the rest of his life, but Bakugou knew that, he was already a terrible person, hated by almost everyone. What was adding someone who meant a little more to him than the rest do?

Bakugou abruptly stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, turning to face Kirishima. "Listen here, Shitty Hair, I'm going to tell you this one more time. I don't like you in that way, nor will I ever, so get over it and talk to me when you're over this little crush of yours!" 

But as Kirishima began to walk towards Bakugou for whatever reason, Bakugou's hand reached Kirishima's chest and activated his quirk, with no time to react, Kirishima fell to the floor, feeling his chest ache from the newly forming pain.

Kirishima had been rejected time and time again, but this time it was different. The way Bakugou acted was something he never seen before, even with his aggressive nature, this was so much more different. Kirishima blinked, trying to keep the newly forming tears from escaping his eyes, not so much from the pain, but the realization of the risk of losing his best friend.  

It his him like a ton of bricks, he couldn't keep pushing himself onto Bakugou, no matter how much it hurt. 

He's never liked you in that way, you idiot. You fucked up so bad this time, he's probably so close to murdering your ass- 

Kirishima realized he was still on the hard ground, his body aching from the impact. He felt his tears somehow making their way out of his eyes and onto the concrete below, making their marks noticeable. He tried wiping them away before Bakugou could notice. 

"I- I'm not sorry." 

Looking up from the ground all he could see was Bakugou's face, which displayed nothing of regret. 

You fucked up..

Kirishima knew what was going to happen next, either Bakugou was gonna knock him senseless or never talk to him again. He didn't like this, he didn't like any of this. He knew he had to make a decision because this was gonna hurt. He had been rejected, after all the events and things they did together. Kirishima had honesty thought Bakugou would share the same feelings. 

But was he dead wrong. 

Picking himself up, Kirishima grabbed his backpack off the floor and made his way up to Bakugou, placing an arm on his shoulder, not even realizing that Bakugou was activating his quirk, the little sparks becoming more visible.  

"B- Bakugou, stop. No worries, it's my fault for being such a shit person. I thought I could get you to like me, but I get it now, it's that's not your fault, it's mine. You're my friend, that's all you'll ever be from now on. I'm sorry. I hope this doesn't change anything between us."

Bakugou, who was still standing, felt a lump in his throat beginning to form. The look in Kirishima's face made him realize that he really was the cruelest person on earth, no doubt about it. 

Kirishima took his hand off Bakugou's shoulder and walked past him. Leaving the hot head to just stare after him with wide open eyes. 

Kirishima made it past the common place, silently observing his classmates. His eyes landing on  Todoroki resting his head on Midoriya's shoulder, while they both sat on the couch watching a movie with Ochaco, Kaminari, Momo, and Mina. At the site of those two, Kirishima couldn't help but allow the rest of his tears to fall uncontrollably. Maybe it was jealousy, or maybe it was the fact that the boy he liked really was a cold hearted jerk, incapable of loving anyone. 

He quickly wiped his tears away, hoping Kaminari or Mina wouldn't notice his presence and ask him what was wrong. But it was too late, his friends were waving their hands, trying to get him to come over and join them. 

He softly shook his head no and flashed his friends a fake smile. 

He had hoped no one noticed the large blasted hole on his uniform as he forced his tired body to walk quickly past them and up the stairs to his dorm room. 

Once he opened the door to his room, he threw his backpack to the dark corner, and took off his ruined shirt, Curling up into bed, hugging his knees to his chest and allowing all the built up tears to spill onto his pillow. 


A/N Listen to Slow Dancing in the Dark - Joji while reading this, trust me 

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