If Everything Was Good

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The two boys continued walking back to class, a comfortable silence filling the hallways as they were both content with the others company. 

Finally they had reached the classroom, standing at the doorway Kirishima walked in first, seeing Aizawa sensei rolled in his sleeping bag. A feeling of relief washed over Kirishima, knowing that he wouldn't be getting detention. 

But maybe getting detention after school is the only way I can get out of training with Bakugou..

The rest of Class 1A eyed the two friends, half of them in shock about them walking in together putting one and one together knowing they must've made up, while the other half, the unproblematic half, resumed back to their work not even acknowledging what was going on. 

"The fuck you extras staring at?" Bakugou asked, seeing Alien eyes, Deku, Pink Cheeks, Dunce Face, Soy Sauce, Frog girl, Earlobes, Four Eyes, and Grape Head lift their heads all in unison as they watched Kirishima and Bakugou stand at the entrance of the class.  

"I SAID, WHAT ARE YOU GUYS LOOKING AT!" Now Bakugou was getting irritated, their big round nosy eyes were trying to analyze the fact that him and Kirishima had finally gotten along after who knows what happened, none of which had a clue. 

"Bakugou, calm down you're gonna wake up Aizawa Sensei, come on let's just work on whatever he assigned us. By the way what was it?" Kirishima asked. 

"The project from last Thursday."

"Oh, okay then cmon," Kirishima nudged him towards their seats, also grabbing Kaminari by the collar as they passed Jirou's group consisting of Momo and Hagakure, "You too. I'm sure you didn't do one bit of research since class started." He told his other blonde haired best friend as he dragged him to Bakugou's desk. 

"No, he's mean, he's gonna threaten to kill me, let me go back please." Denki cried, which made Bakugou even more annoyed. 

After 45 minutes of what seemed like endless work, the bell finally rang indicating the teachers to rotate to their next classes, leaving everyone in class 1A tired hoping that the last hour and a half could go by quickly. Aizawa got up from his nap and scanned his eyes around the room, immediately spotting Kirishima desk, which had been empty earlier.

Ah shit he found me out.

Without any sympathy Aizawa called him out, stating he had 2 hours of after school detention for being tardy without an excuse.

"Yes Aizawa sensei, I'm sorry." Although he wasn't that sorry since it gave him an excuse to not hang with Bakugou for another day before the quirk could take full effect and boom, back to becoming best friends with no emotional strings attached. 

From across the room, Bakugou noted how slightly happy Kirishima's tone had been for someone who got detention and couldn't practice fighting in the gym. 

Somethings definitely up.


After school Bakugou walked to the dorms by himself, heading straight for his room not wanting to be bothered at all and since Kirishima had to stay for detention with Kaminari and Mina (who had also gotten detention for being too loud and not doing their work during the class period). He had no intention of mingling with the other annoying shit faces in his class. 

Finally being dismissed around 5, the trio walked back to the dorms. Kaminari and Mina pestering Kirishima about Bakugou. They both knew something was up with those two when they showed up back to class together as if they hadn't been avoiding each other for the past week. 

"Well at least now that you and Bakugou are friends again this means that Bakusquad is good for lunch tomorrow." Mina exclaimed, happily breaking the obvious silence between the three friends.  

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