Chapter ONE

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- Parent's House -

"When will you have a boyfriend?"  The lady asked while eating her breakfast. She hates it when her mother asks unnecessary questions like this.

"I don't have a boyfriend." Yeji simply answered and she heard her mother whine.

"Oh honey, come on! I'm not getting any younger. I want a grandchild." The young girl choked while drinking her milk after hearing what her mother said.

"Mom, can you please stop teasing me?!" She irritatingly shouted at her mother for teasing her. One thing Yeji doesn't like was her mother teasing her.

"Or do you have a girlfriend?" The lady said, teasing her daughter more. She wiggled her eyebrows. Yeji sighed for the nth time and finished her meal.

"I'm told you, I'm not in a relationship." She raised her eyebrows and placed the used plate and glass on the sink. "That love is just a damn word." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm already successful, can't you see?" The girl said while pointing at her youtube play buttons.

"I literally have my own house and car. I even pay for my own bills." She added, defending herself from her mother.

Yeji is a content creator with almost thirty two million subscribers. She didn't even expect her videos to blew up. One of the first video she posted was her reacting to some K-POP group's music videos.

Nowadays, her lame contents were mostly just her playing and vlogging everything she can. Well for a twenty six year old girl, that's actually pretty successful.

"Yeah yeah, successful you say." Her mother rolled her eyes and started washing the dishes.

"If I only knew my mother would just ask me lame questions, I wouldn't come here." The girl thought to herself.

"Well, look at Ryujin. She has her girlfriend and she's now a doctor!" Her mother mentioned her best friend's name.

Ryujin has been her best friend since they were ten. She's now working as a doctor in her parent's hospital. She also supported Yeji's decision on becoming a creator, and of course the reason why Yeji's mother likes her so much is because Ryujin has her own girlfriend!

"Mom, I don't even care anymore. Now get ready before I change my mind into coming with you to the hospital." The girl warned her mother and she immediately went outside to get the car.

Yeji hated the hospital. It might just be the smell, or just because Ryujin also works in there. She loves her best friend so much but she doesn't really like seeing her face that often. Her parents visits the hospital regularly and would force her to come with them.

"Your dad's already waiting for us. We should hurry." Her mom chuckled and she simply tightened her seatbelt.

The whole ride was pretty silent. The lady doesn't like talking whenever she drives. She said she couldn't concentrate. After minutes of silent driving they finally arrived.

"There you are." Yeji's dad hugged her and they proceeded into going inside the building.

She hated the this smell. Yeji immediately put on her mask and walked in the hallway. And there the girl was, Shin Ryujin walking in the hallway with the widest smile plastered in her face.

"Yejiiii!" The tomboyish girl shouted while running in the hallway. She was running in full speed with her arms open, ready for a big hug.

"No, fuck you." Yeji dodged the running girl causing Ryujin to fall flat into the floor. Of course many people saw that.

"Why so rude?!" The girl lightly slapped her arms and chuckled.

"Here for the regular visits?" Ryujin asked Yeji's parents and the both just nodded.

Yeji doesn't really like hanging around the hospital that much. While her parents were walking around, she would just sit and wait.

"It's really a busy time for me, so I gotta run! I'll just see ya later, okay?!" Ryujin left her and sh just waved.

Yeji continued walking to wherever her feet brought her. While walking she accidentally bumped into someone, she looked up and saw a short girl.

"I didn't see you. You were too short." Yeji said to the girl who was now looking at her with anger.

"Is that how you say sorry to people?" The shorter girl asked, obviously annoyed with the taller one.

"Well, are you even looking to where you're going? If you are, then you wouldn't bump into me." The shorter girl couldn't even argue back. She wasn't really paying attention while walking.

"Can't argue back, I see." Yeji smirked and left the girl standing.

"I already hate you!" The short girl shouted and raised her index finger, she might just be too innocent to raise her middle finger to someone she doesn't even know. Yeji just chuckled at the sight.

After that happened Yeji decided to just go home and rest. She was alone in her own house, well technically not. She has her a dog which she loved the most.

"What's wrong with that girl." Yeji sighed while looking at the words Game Over on her screen. She can't seem to get the short girl out of her head.

"Well whatever, it's not like I'm going to see that unknown short girl again." Yeji smiled and clicked the restart button to play the game again.

Well, let's just say. Yeji's fate decided to be a little playful.

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