Chapter SEVEN

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- Hospital -

"Two, huh." Yeji, who was now calmed down is currently leaning on the wall with her arms crossed. Ryujin and Lia could only look at her, not a single guess on what the tallest was thinking.

"Would you date me for two months?" Yeji said, calmly causing Lia to choke on the water she's been drinking.

Ryujin immediately whipped her head to Yeji's direction. "Dude, what the fuck?" Ryujin blurted out in shock.

"Would you date me?" Yeji asked again, turning her head to Lia who's currently  gasping for air.

"Damn, that's some bold moves you got there my dear friend." Ryujin said holding back a laughter.

"Are you joking?" Lia asked with an awkward tone. "Do I look like I'm joking?" Yeji asked emotionlessly. Ryujin could only watch in awe as the situation unfolds in front of her.

Lia gulped, she didn't know how to answer. Does she have to answer right now? What if she ends up hurting Yeji? What if Yeji would eventually find her boring? There were so many 'What ifs' drowning her mind at the moment. She couldn't even think straight.

"D-Do I have to answer right away?" Lia asked Yeji who just noddded.

"Top vibes, ehem." Ryujin joked.

"Yes." Lia suddenly answered. 

What?! No! I wasn't even thinking when I said that! 

"Why do I feel so single even though I'm in a relationship?" Ryujin laughed and held her chest, acting like she's in pain. Yeji smiled widely.

"Well then, darling. We'll have a date next week. See you then." Yeji placed a soft kiss on Lia's cheek before leaving her room. Lia was a blushing mess while Ryujin watched her friend in awe. Who thought her best friend could be that smooth?!

As soon as Yeji closed the door behind her, she immediately dropped on the floor. Her right hand clutching chest while her right hand was covering half of her face. She was also a blushing mess, she couldn't believe that would actually work. She got herself a girlfriend!

"Damn, Hwang. I didn't think that would work. I was so fucking nervous." She whispered to herself while skipping her way to the exit. 


Lia sat on her bed, alone with the television turned on for some noise. She still can't believe she's dating. It's a new thing for her, this was the first time she felt butterflies on her stomach and these fluttering feelings.

Her phone suddenly lit up, showing a message notification from Yeji, her girlfriend.

From: Darling <3

"Hey, darling! You sleepy?" 

She read the message with a cute smile plastered on her face. So this is how couples feel she thought to herself

To: Darling <3

"Not yet, wanna call? <3"

Lia replied, seconds later her phone rang. It was Yeji calling.

"Darliiiiing, I miss you." A cute voice from the other line said. Lia could just laugh at her girlfriend being extra.

"Aww, I miss you too." Lia said, imitating Yeji's cute voice.

The couple talked for hours. Lia was hesitating to asked the question she wanted to ask since earlier. Yeji continued blabbing about her pets and followers while Lia listened with a smile. Lia loved how Yeji cares about her fans. She was happy her girlfriend isn't like those people who only cares about fame.

"Lia? Are you okay? You're so quiet, does your stomach hurt again? Should I go there? Call Ryujin if it's painful." Lia pouted at her girlfriend's words, she's so caring. "I'm fine, baby. Just thinking." Lia assured her.

"Thinking about what? About me perhaps?" Yeji joked causing Lia to chuckle.

"Yeah, a part of it is you. But why did you want to date me? There's a lot of pretty girls in your dm's" Lia asked, she once checked Yeji's dms. Well, Yeji didn't mind.

"That question, huh. Do I really need a reason to love you?" Lia could feel her face heat up, is that even possible? Someone loving her without her doing anything?

"O-Of course, it's also  fine if you don't wanna answer that-" Lia's words were cut off by Yeji chuckling.

"Okay okay, here's my answer." Yeji softly chuckled and spoke, 

"I love you for being you. No other reason." Lia admits it, she really fell hard with the girl on the phone. "I love you!" Lia shouted at the phone and immediately ended the call. She rolled back and forth on her bed, picturing Yeji's smile on her mind.

From: Darling <3

"Why did you hang up?? I wasn't able to say I love you too! So, I love you too! Goodnight sleeptight, darliing!" 

Lia laughed at the message. She could never get to Yeji's level of enthusiasm. She replied with a simple "I love you, goodnight <3" and went to sleep.

Maybe In The Next Life (YeJisu)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ