Chapter TEN

544 34 23

- Hospital -

It has been at least a week since Lia saw her girlfriend in person. Lia decided to tell the public about her illness, which of course, shocked everyone. There were a lot of fans crying and praying at their social media accounts, some haters felt bad, some rejoiced and even thanked God. Lia also announced to the public about her relationship with Yeji, it made her fans proud.

"So, still not getting therapy?" Ryujin asked as she entered the room with the folder in her hand. It's the weekly health status report. "If I take the therapy, would I survive? Still a no, right?" Lia said and opened the folder Ryujin handed her.

"Is there really nothing to convince you?" Ryujin asked. "Nothing." Lia answered, looking at pages of the report. Ryujin sat down at the nearby stool, sighing. "You can survive, you might be that one percent who survives the illness." The doctor said, fiddling with her fingers.

"That would be one hell of a miracle, Ryu." Lia said and closed the folder, handing it back to Ryujin.

"I-I mean, you can still walk, your breathing is still close to normal, you haven't felt abdominal pains for the past two weeks, you're still resting well and you're still talkative as ever, not having any problems speaking at all." Ryujin said, flipping the papers inside the folder, pointing at the important statements that proves her claim.

Ryujin didn't want to lose Lia to this illness, she's one of the reasons why Ryujin forgets all her stress after a long day at work, she is a friend that listens to Ryujin's crap. She became a doctor for a reason after all. Ryujin genuinely worries for Lia.

"Ryujin..." Lia spoke in a warning tone making Ryujin stop.

"I-I'm sorry for being such an unprofessional doctor here." Ryujin said and cleared her throat and closed the folder. "I'll be heading out now, still got things to do." Ryujin spoke in a low tone, not sparing a glance at Lia. She then stood up and walk to the door, twisting the door knob.

"Ryu, I appreciate it." Lia smiled at Ryujin who nodded and closed the door.


"Hey, how are you doing?" Yeji said closing the door behind her as she walked to Lia's bed with a paper bag on her hand. "Just fine, what's that?" Lia noticed the paper bag Yeji placed on the table.

"I actually made that with your sister and Y/N." Yeji said and opened the lunchbox that was inside the paper bag. "Y/N?" Lia repeated the familiar name.

"Kang Y/N, my college best friend and your sister's lover." Lia whipped her head real quick hearing the word lover. "Kang Y/N is a freaking millionaire and you're telling me, my sister is dating her/him?" Yeji innocently nodded.

"How the hell did Y/N fell in love with my sister?" The curious and surprised Lia asked her girlfriend. "Do you know the saying that goes, the quickest way to a person's heart is through their stomach?" Yeji asked and Lia nodded.

"Your sister is a chef, dummy." Yeji laughed and ruffled Lia's hair. "Chaeryoung didn'tell me anything about this." Lia who finally understood the situation leaned back to her pillows.

Yeji fed Lia like a baby, Lia could only chuckle at their actions. Even Lia herself couldn't deny that Yeji's talent in cooking could compete with Chaeryoung's. The door creaked open, revealing Chaeryoung with Y/N.

"Unnie, you look ugly." Chaeryoung said as she walked towards the bed, Y/N's held a laugh looking at Yeji who did the same. "Yah, is that how you greet people?!" Lia who was pretty offended by Chaeryoung's words, raised an eyebrow.

"Just kidding, you sound so old." Chaeryoung rolled her eyes and laughed. "By the way, this is Y/N and she's/he's mine." Yeji smirked at Y/N who seemed nervous around his/her girlfriend's sister.

"You have such low standards." Lia spoke, not looking at any of them. Y/N grew more nervous at Lia's words. "Unnie. why are you so rude--" Chaeryoung wasn't able to finish, when Lia suddenly placed a finger on the younger girl's lips.

"Ryeong, I wasn't talking to you. I was asking Y/N why she/he has low standards, really falling in love with you?!" Lia joked, looking at Chaeryoung who seemed to be the one offended now. Yeji burst out laughing at Y/N's relieve face. "Why are you so nervous?" Yeji laughed tapping Y/N's shoulder.

"Just kidding, you better take care of my sister." Lia's tone was serious and she was now looking at Y/N. "Yes, noona/unnie." Y/N bowed. "Make her cry and I'll haunt you for the rest of your life." Even Yeji was afraid of Lia's tone.

"I PROMISE I WON'T MAKE YOUR SISTER CRY!" Y/N shouted, nervousness could be hear in his/her voice. Chaeryoung laughed and hugged Y/N.

"I know you won't," Chaeryoung spoke, clinging into Y/N's arms.

"Why the hell are you two in here? I thought you're going on a date?" Yeji asked, chewing the food that's in her mouth. "Well, missy here, missed her sister." Y/N pointed at Chaeryoung.

The four of them ended up bonding inside the hospital room. They played cards, mobile games, a simple truth or dare and watched newly released series. Yeji, of course didn't forget to capture these moments.

"Beautiful," Yeji murmured to herself while looking at Lia's most recent photo in her camera roll.

What the f is this update 😭

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