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- Operating Room -

The room was quite, you can only hear the tools clanking whenever the nurses put it back on the tray. It has been half an hour and the bleeding hasn't stopped. Ryujin was nervous, so as the other doctors currently helping her. The silence was disturbed when the heartbeat monitor beeped straightly. The doctors watched the green line run straight in pure horror.

"N-No, this must be broken." Ryujin said in disbelief. "This must be a joke, right? This can't be happening, right?" Ryujin asked one more time. "Dr. Choi Beomgyu, something must be wrong in here somewhere, right?" The short haired girl asked, hoping an answer from the other doctor.

"Dr. Shin, please stop that. Choi Jisu, time of death nine fifty-one..." Beomgyu stated making Ryujin's tears escape. They prepared their selves to go out of the operating room. 

As the doors opened, Ryujin was greeted by Chaeryoung and Lia's father. 

"I-I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry!" Ryujin broke down in front of them. Chaeryoung held her breathe and covered her mouth, preventing herself from crying but failed miserably. "Ryujin, it's not your fault. It's no ones fault." Lia's father, who's also in verge of tears spoke, hugging Ryujin.

"W-Where's Yeji? I can't face her anymore." Ryujin asked 

"She's gone." Ryujin turned around and saw her girlfriend with Y/N and Yeji's parents.


"Yeji's not here anymore," 

With that, Ryujin didn't even know how to feel anymore. "What did I do to deserve this? Losing both of my friends at the same day?" Ryujin spoke angrily. She could feel Yuna's arms around her.


- Cemetery - 

The people were crying, sniffling and currently sitting in front of two coffins. One where Yeji is resting and the other where Lia was. The families both decided to put them both on the same funeral. The couple is now resting in a better place, without worries. The public was shocked by their deaths. Their fans broke down, they thanked the couple for their kindness back when they were alive. Everything was so sudden.

Their friends on the other hand, doesn't even feel anything. They were now drowning in indescribable sadness, grieve and devastation. They said their final goodbyes to the both of them and the coffins were placed down, dirt covering them up. 

"Farewell to the both of you. I hope your resting well. Let's play again sometime soon, okay?" Ryujin whispered to herself and looked up the sky.


"Ryujin, this was in Yeji's coat." Yeji's father handed her a small notebook. "I figured you would understand it better than we can," Ryujin took it and opened some pages, then she smiled. Aren't you too old for a diary, Hwang Yeji?

"I love her so much, Choi Jisu is finally mine!" 

"We had our first date! We tried the game Among Us with her sister, Yuna and Ryujin. I swear this moments are the best to capture!" 

"My darling scared the hell out of Y/N earlier! It was too funny. Who would've guessed my our best friend would be dating my girlfriend's sister?!"

"Oh my goodness, she tasted like strawberries! It was my first time kissing her and I won't ever get tired!"

"We roleplayed in front of her, her reactions were priceless! I proposed to her!"

"I'm getting married! Choi Jisu is my wife!"

"We had a nice photoshoot at the garden! She was so beautiful!"

"She's getting weaker and I can't do anything."

"I'm really in love with Choi Jisu."

Ryujin's hands trembled as she reads and flips each pages of the notebook, and again she started crying. Yuna helped her calm down and Y/N did the same with Chaeryoung. All they can do is be strong and move forward. The wind was strong, another page was opened in the notebook.

"Must do! Post the pictures and videos we made together!" Ryujin sighed, she'll be the one doing this now. Ryujin knows the passwords of Yeji's social media accounts, she's the only one who could do it.

She went to Yeji's house, she could still remember the last time all of them roleplayed in the living room. She went to Yeji's gaming room and there she found the camera and the computer was still on. Yeji finished editing the video, all Ryujin needed to do was post the video. Ryujin clicked upload, she also transferred the photos on her phone to post them on Yeji's instagram later. 

Ryujin went out to the park to relax for a bit. 

"You better be happy with this, Hwang. Lia please take care of my best friend up there okay? That girl tends to forget things easily." Ryujin smiled, talking to the coulds in the sky. 

"The both of you will always be in our hearts."


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