Chapter FIVE

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- Hospital -

There she was again, laying at the hospital bed, it has gotten worse. It's been a month since Lia saw Yeji. They were just casually exchanging messages from time to time.

"So you're not going to tell her?" Ryujin asked. She was sitting beside Lia, not as her doctor but as her friend, this time.

"Does she need to know?" Lia asked her friend. Ryujin only looked at her with an are-you-serious face.

"God, Lia. That girl might be into you, and she doesn't even know why you're laying here in the hospital." Lia sadly chuckled at her friend's answer. Well, she doesn't want to hurt Yeji.

"Just do the therapy, Lia." Ryujin said, trying to convince her patient. It has been years since she started asking Lia to take the therapy, but she would always disagree.

"I don't like pain, and no, I still won't." The doctor knows that wasn't just the reason she why she doesn't want to do it.

It was because Lia accepted her faith and she wanted to see her mother in the other side.

"Yeah, okay." Ryujin just sighed and nodded in defeat and left the room. She really couldn't change her patient's mind.


From : Light Fury

Heyyy! How you doing?

She laughed, she can feel the girl's enthusiasm through the message she received.

To: Light Fury

I'm fine, what about you?

Lia replied, was that too short? Too long? Too cold? She didn't know, she was still arguing with herself whether she would continue being friends with the taller girl or not. On the other hand, Yeji already thinks they were the best of friends.

From: Light Fury

Tired af. I just finished
recording a video.

Cute, she thought. It not that she doesn't want Yeji to be her friend, she didn't want to hurt Yeji.


After months of taking a break, Lia's fans grew more curious and got more worried. Lia's agency didn't release any statements regarding he break. It was her decision not to tell the public about her illness. She doesn't want thousands of people pitying and worrying about her. 

"Yahoo! Guess who's here!" A loud shout from a cat-eyed girl echoed through the hallways of the building. Lia who's currently walking back to her room from a short walk in the garden turned her head to the voice's direction.

"Yeji, don't shout in the hallway!" She scolded Yeji like a grade school teacher. The taller girl smiled widely while skipping her way to Lia's side. 

"What are you doing in here?" Lia asked, raising one of her eyebrows.

"Is that even a question? Visiting my best friend, of course!" Lia's happy expression changed to a sad one, but the taller girl didn't notice. Best friend? Of course, they're frineds.

"Hmm? Is that so?" Lia smiled and Yeji nodded, opening the the room's door. Both of them went inside and Yeji turned the TV on.

Watching movies, that's their favorite thing to do whenever Yeji visits Lia at the hospital. They would watch movies from day to night. Sometimes, they would even listen to the latest popular songs. But most of the time nothing happens, they would sit in silence until the movie is finished. After their bonding Yeji would just say her goodbyes and leave. 

But that's not what happens today, because Yeji finally did the first move.

"Wanna cuddle?" Yeji asked while pouting. Lia blushed, looking at the cute human being in front of her. How could she say no?

"Sure, it's chilly in here," Yeji with a wide smile, hopped on the bed and hugged Lia from behind, facing the TV. 

They were currently watching Midnight Sun, where the female protagonist suffers from a condition that prevents her from being out in the sunlight. Hours in the movie, Yeji can hear Lia sniffling. She looked at Lia and chuckled at her face.

"Yah, why are you crying?" Yeji asked, trying hard not to laugh. "H-How could you not cry at this scene?! Are you not human or something??" Lia said whle rubbing her eyes and wiping her tears away.

"Nope, it's just I already watched this movie before," Yeji smirked, causing Lia to playfully smack her in the head.

"That's so unfair!" Lia snuggled at Yeji's neck.

"You smell good." Yeji blushed at Lia's compliment, she wrapped her arms around Lia's waist tighter. they both closed their eyes, deciding to take a short nap. The door suddenly opened revealing a short-hair girl, wearing a white coat with a stethoscope around her neck. 

"Oof, nevermind. I'll be back later," Ryujin smirked at the sight of the people peacefully cuddling while in deep sleep.


"Oh, Yeji already left?" Ryujin asked Lia, who just woke up from a nap. Ryujin sat on the chair and handed Lia a folder.

"Lia, almost four months left." Ryujin spoke in a low tone. A hurt expression can be seen in her eyes while Lia sadly smiled. "Yeah, so?" Lia asked, like there's nothing wrong at all.

"You're not gonna tell her?" Ryujn asked in a worried tone. Lia wasn't just a patient to Ryujin, she was a close friend, a family. They've known each other for a long time now.

"For the second time, she doesn't need to know." Lia said in a serious tone and pulled the blanket over her head, making Ryujin sigh.

"Okay, fine. That's your choice, I'll get going." Ryujin stood up and left the room. Leaving her patient, crying.

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